does fluttery count as sparks?

Nov 14, 2007 11:10

Yesterday morning I met Captain at the station and we rode in together to work, chitchatting away. And he's just. so. cute, with his shaggy hair and soft beard (omg, y'all I am dating a man with a BEARD. It's very trim and neat, but I mean... really? I'm attracted to this man??) and have I mentioned how gorgeously crinkly his eyes are when he smiles? And he has nice hands. Um, anyway, I'd worn my little red dress with a black jacket and when he saw me he kind of smiled and was all, "you look really pretty today." I'd had to wear my glasses as well, since my contact order isn't coming for another couple of days. I think Captain digs chicks with glasses. \o/. I think another guy at the station digs chicks with glasses as well, because when I got to the platform I caught this dude's eye, and er. He was HOT and I was all Jeezums, how did I ever miss this one? And then he smiled at me and kind of stared and then Captain walked up and the new guy turned back to his paper.

I was relaying the story to my co-workers and they said I should put up a sign on the platform:

For a good time, STAND HERE.

You know. Or not. *laughs*

I did feel a little more fluttery when I saw Captain, which is a good sign, I think. We're going out again this weekend; cross your fingers! I called my mother to tell her about the first date.

"I just didn't feel any sparks," I said to her and she immediately groaned.

"Lyra," she said, sighing, "you've never felt any sparks, you're not going to feel any sparks, good GRIEF, for thirty-two years now you've been SPARKLESS and if you think you're going to find sparky now forget it and just date the guy."

Um. It's frightening how well our mothers know us, isn't it? *hides*

Captain even kissed me goodbye at his stop; I was thinking oh GOD, we're THAT COUPLE, the couple who is OBLIVIOUS to everything around them and you have to shove them out of the way because they're all stupid googly at each other and you kind of want to stab them, except when you are That Couple, you don't even HEAR anything around you because you're so focused on each other and smiling and leaning just so that for that one moment you just don't care. And I DIDN'T care. He's so cute I cannot EVEN.

subway guy

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