stop that laughing this instant!

Apr 26, 2007 15:48

Those of you who have hung out with me long enough have come to know my laugh. It's sort of raucous, some might even say loud. When I have a good laugh, it's a laugh: full and sincere, with lots of gusto that says, Hey, Lyra really feels that laugh.

Earlier as I was waiting for a fax to go through, I became impatient and, sighing rather heavily, declared, "A watched pot never boils."

"What?" my co-worker asked. I repeated the phrase. "Huh?" she asked again, so I said it again, with feeling, to which I received a blank stare. I thought maybe she'd never heard the phrase. "You know," I explained, "a pot. That never boils."

"Oh!" she said brightly, "you mean BOILS."

Well, yes. That's what I said, right?

Apparently, it seems as though I cannot pronounce the word "boil". According to my co-workers, anyway. Now, I am Southern and we have a lotta rolling words and drawled words and words that we made up just to fuck with Northerners. But "Boils"? I do not say "Boy-Uhls". I say: "Bohls", which, when rolled off my tongue, turns into a bastardized form of "balls".

We were still giggling about it sometime later, repeating "bohls, bohls, bohls" at random intervals, and I got on a tear, and well: Laughed. Several times. Nice big Lyra laughs.

Enter my boss. "You're going to have to keep that laughing down," she said sternly, looking at me with lasers shooting from her eyes. "It's too loud."

To which I responded (in my mind):


earning a livin'

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