the Run has it.

Jun 06, 2006 15:49

Alrighty, here is the expanded version of the story NoseS told me this morning, The Reason why I couldn't sit here and make my long post of fannishtude:

So NoseS informed me ALL ABOUT this story she'd seen on the tv with Run. (I maintain this story to be precise and true as I heard it; all validity concerning NoseS is at your discretion).

Who's Run, you ask?

The Reverend Run, to be precise.

That's right... formerly "Run" of RunDMC.

So the good Reverend Run apparently was battling depression and drove to a bridge one night, listening to Sarah McLachlin and contemplating suicide, but instead of driving over the edge, he decided to call his mother and tell her how he's about to end it all, and how depressed he is, and his mom -- because clearly she's exercising the better part of judgment -- realizes that now's the time to lay down the dish.

So here's Run talking to his mom, on a bridge, listening to Sarah McLachlin, contemplating suicide, when she tells him that he's adopted.

What does Run do? He thinks maybe he won't commit suicide after all, but go find his birth mother to see if depression runs in his blood, because there must be a reason he's sitting in his car, on a bridge, listening to Sarah, talking to his mom, wanting to commit suicide.

(This is the point in the story where I finally blinked and wondered, "NoseS watches VH1 Behind the Music?" But I digress...)

"SO THEN," NoseS yells, Run winds up finding his birth family in Staten Island and he has dozens of other brothers and sisters, and a really cool birth mother, and the whole family - EVERY ONE OF THEM - are all happy and jolly, which makes him realize that his depression is not hereditary, but instead he was born to be HAPPY (because he is RUN, don't you KNOW?) so he totally snaps out of his funk and gets not one, but TWO families!

And so it goes, the moral of the story is that after the bajillion family reunions Run has to go to, he gets sort of sick of all his happy & jolly relations and needs some variety, so Run calls up Sarah McLachlin and is all, "Yo, let's hang out, cause your songs make me want to slit my wrists", and Sarah's all:


... and now they're tight and their families barbeque on the weekends "AAWWWLL THE TIME".

Hand to god (tm Brooklinegirl), straight from NoseS mouth to your screens.

The end.

earning a livin', noses

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