Dec 31, 2006 06:10
Of course, it takes me drinking to break the silence that has become my online lame-o-blog.
It is Winter Break and I am in San Francisco to celebrate my impending departure (tomorrow night, yes it is, I will be in the air as 2007 takes flight) en route to Chicago.
Tonight, I went to Pop's for a drink with Joe, which turned out to be a drink with Terrin, Megan, Andy, Scout, Cole, Sam, Erica, Sofia, Laura, and the two random men who bought me drinks and the lots of other random men who made conversation with me, and while we're at it, the random woman who yelled after me about banging biscuits as I walked down the street.
But you know, the most remarkable thing here is that I didn't want to kiss a single one of all these people. Well, sure, that's a blatant lie, but not in the completely black and white sense. I thought about the thrill and how nice it would be to fuck institution and my girlfriend vacationing in London and whatever fucking Midwest you don't own me just because I live in Chicago now doesn't mean I have to stop being an ethical hippie activist slut.
Exactly: Just because I live in the Midwest I don't have to give all that up. But just because I live in the Midwest doesn't mean I have to prove any kinkiness or liberatedness factor either. I already prove that whenever we play ten fingers anyway. The fact that really struck me tonight was that I felt so done with all this frivolity, is that I felt so done with anything that wasn't me, at home, with Mandy. I'm in love again and it feels good and it's ok.
She (and I, although I played it down) were so worried that I would mess everything up on my visit to Liberal Left-Coast-Sex-And-Politics-Paradise but instead she messed up while she was in droll Chi-Town-Eat-And-Be-Loyal. Fattest city in the world. Mandy, my love, makes out with her ex-girlfriend Ashley while it's Christmas Eve and I'm sick and she's leaving for England the next day.
Actually Ashley kissed Mandy and apparently there was no tongue involved, although I still feel pissed.
I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore.
The plan is that I get home (Chicago now functions as home - note the emotionless remove) and Mandy gets home the next day, and the I punch her lights out, and then we make sweet sweet love for a week straight (or gay - depending on how prickly your asshole is, punster).