So, apparently, the 'mea fandom has spoken, and selected their favourite looks fromthe past 11 (dear god) years.
It's a bit tiny, but in it's rightful place at #1 is Яaven Loud Speeeaker, with Lost in Blue coming in second (WHAT), Gianizm Ten third, then Majestical Parade, Killer Show, Gianizm (one of their earlier concerts), Tokyo Shounen (woot), The WORLD Ruler, Shian/Cyan/However you want to spell it, and finally, -Believe-.
Well, I didn't this that this list was right. (Of course I didn't.) So, I decided to compose a list of Sam's Top Ten Naitomea Outfits.
10: Lost in Blue
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As much as I don't like the outfits, I have to admit that white-mare, as a group, are very striking. They lose points for Yomi's bare chest, which is just no, but they gain points for Sucky's pants (CRACKED-OUT AND AWESOME) and Hitsugi. Please note the presence of The Glove, and Ni~ya's fingerless gloves. Also, Ni~ya's black bands, which are kinda killing the all-white thing. But, as we all know,
those bands are probably going to be a permanent fixation... 8: Kaikou Catharsis
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I admit it, I just wanted to put this PV in somewhere. Sue me.
7: Raison d'Etre
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Yomi's jacket is LOVE. That is all. Oh, and Wooka actually doesn't look too bad here. Also, this is a good example of how both Hitsu and Sucky do the whole "LOADS of layers" thing, but in different ways. The Nekoboy is actually wearing a bunch of layers here; shirt, jacket, etc. Satty, on the other hand, just went through a clothing bin and wrapped whatever he could find around his hips. But I guess it's his thing, so... oh well.
6: Gianizm Ten (but with Hitsu's Pink Spider hair, not the dreads of dread.)
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I'm posting the live version because a) finding a decent-quality PV on youtube is harrrrrrd, and b) the Pink Spider hair. This was their ten-year anniversary look, and I do kinda love it, no matter how crazy Sakito they all but mostly Sakito look. I like that Yomi's shirt hangs off one shoulder, I love Hitsu's outfit, Ni~ya is sexy, and Wooka's hat is just ~awesome~
Jesus effing Christ Sucky what is WRONG with your hair
5: Naked Love
Out of cringing shame for the PV, I will merely post a picture.
The main reason this got to number five is Sakito's Gino hair. Also, Yomi looks strangely adorable. Ni~ya's shirt, however, can go diaf. Although it's not as bad as that motel curtain Ruka wore to that Bukodan Parade Tour Final Majestic show last year.
4: Tokyo Shounen
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Now we're getting to my personal favourites, and not just the outfits I admire on principle. This will always, for me, at least, be the iconic Naitomea look and song. I love Ni~ya's hair like this, the Nekoboy has a tail, Sucky's outfit is pure Sucky, Ruka is showing off his tatt, and Yomi has his cat-eye contacts and DOSE PANTS. This entire look for me is just LOVE.
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Their first look after the ten-year milestone~ Sakito has, thank god, bleached out those ridiculous snakes green bits, although I seem to recall hearing that he had a bit of pink in his hair between Gianizm Ten and a:FANTASIA. Special mention must be given to Hitsugi's jacket, which is ~~FABULOUS~~, with the shiny and the neon green edging and the eeeeeeeeeeee I love it. It's also really cute he matches with Yomi, who is, of course, wearing The Glove, which has somehow shrunk since last we saw it. I think it's sulking because it didn't get to be in the Gianizm Ten PV. Baba has, finally, gone back to blonde, and I have a certain fondness for Wooka with lighter hair, probably because of that one time he cosplayed Mello, /\/\/\/\/\/\/\ and all. I think it's a very striking look, and quite appropriate for j-rockers entering their dotage thirties.
2: Dasei Boogie~
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I can't help but feel that this is how the boys dressed for their actual ball/prom/dance/whatever, ok? Of course the little hobbit would have gone barefoot, of course Sucky would be all perfect turned out (nice shoes, man), of course Hitsu would look have some sort of fur on his person, of course Baba would be all wonderfully amazing, and of course Rooka just wouldn't give a shit. How did this look not get any wuv?
1: Яaven Loud Speeeaker, of course.
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Just sit back and soak it all in. :3
And there you have it! Nightmare's Top Ten outfits, as decided by Sam~