Oh my goodness. Thank god for a week long break. I don't think I could have put up with my kids much longer. Only one more month until my next break from them! Haha, they aren't that bad, but I've been around these 120 14-15 year olds for 4 months straight... it was a well deserved break =o)
Other stuff that is going on:
- Our couches came in. They are AWESOME! The pictures I posted don't do them any justice. They are huge, comfy and they match a lot of our current stuff.
- I keep getting positive feedback from the "hire-ups" I work with. Everything thinks I am doing an amazing job for a first year teacher.
- I put my Christmas tree up yesterday- I know, I know.. it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but I had a free day yesterday and I just wanted to get it over with. Leslie (one of the teachers I work with) gave me her 7 1/2 foot realistic Christmas tree. It looks really good... maybe I will take pictures of the tree and post them. I wouldn't mind a few more ornaments but they are all really expensive right now... I'll wait to buy more.. maybe.
- Stephen got promoted! He is finally out of training and on the floor. He said last month the average amount each worker received (after bonuses) was about 6K. Granted, this month and next month will probably be really slow... but if he could bonus a little, that would help him out in time for Christmas.
- I got a decent amount of Christmas shopping already finished.
Stuff I still need to do this week:
- Grade a shit load of papers
- Read the book my kids are reading so when they ask me questions I can have an answer... also so I can start making quizzes
- Make my dishes for Thanksgiving
- Mail out a package
- Clean the kitchen, bathrooms, and bedroom
- Vacuum the entire house
- Hang up the curtains in the study
- Paint my nails and toes
- Work on my portfolio for my UNT grad class... bleh... stupid class.
This is such a lame entry.