Standing strong..

Jun 30, 2008 21:25

Back to work and back to life.
Often seating in my office, I'm reminded of life's darkest moments,
and the resilience of the human spirit.

Today was one such day, but today was also different,
So much harder to face the one across the table when he is also your friend.

I wonder how many doctors must face this throughout the world,
To watch hope die in their loved ones' eyes or to see a life crumble into rubble.

Its never easy to forget or stop worrying about your patients,
Often I get home wondering if I did enough or if they will be alright.

Yet, the harder road is not mine,
To build a new world from ashes.
But what I hope i can do is give a little flame, of warmth, of hope, for that long road ahead.


Stand strong, my friend
Tall and sturdy as the tree trunk grows
As we learn once more to articulate life's pain.
Not less our tortured stems,
Drawn first in stripling strains.

Stand strong, my friend
Take not these travails too hard.
Raise that will to perch high again.
On the branch of life, watch the night storm rend..
Now in the morning chill's wake,
Greet the rise with grace regained.

Stand strong, my friend.
We are always standing by you.
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