
Apr 18, 2008 16:23

Just came back from Manila on Wednesday..

Was there on medical escort, the trip itself was rathering uneventful medically-speaking (thank goodness!!), but nonetheless it was quite an experience. Not least because of some hiccups like the 1 hour plus wait at the airport because the agent and the ambulance was late!!...and the shocking surprise when the "3-star accomodation" as quoted by the travel agent turned out more to be like a "1-star" accomodation. Thank goodness I only stayed 1 night.. I've been to backpackers in 3rd-world countries that were in better condition!!

But then having taken a ride through Manila city, you kind of understand the difference in perceived standards. Manila city is literally littered with slumps all throughout.. most of the buildings are old and in ill-repair. And there are so many families living in piles of firewood and bricks that are architectural marvels for the fact that they are somehow standing, perched precariously from one side of the road or another part of some stone/ cement building. And then of coz there are the street children and the homeless..

I've seen poverty in other developing countries but wat struck me in Manila was the incongruity of having an island of wealth suddenly sprouting in the midst of an urban neightbourhood... this is an entire parcel of specially developed area with buildings - offices, condominiums and malls designed, landscaped and built specifically for the expats and the wealthy... and get this... its fenced up. its normal grilles but that symbolic separation is stark, and the abruptness is something new to me. And this wasn't even a private compound, this was deliberately created to separate the world of the haves from the world of the have-nots.

Anyway I've never been much impressed by cities... after having walked through some parts of the city (my favourite pastime when I travel..), i decided to just cut my trip short and head for the airport early.. and well its Manila, the traffic is chaotic and messy and it exemplifies the phrase "bo cheng hu". An unforgettable example being how my cabbie went past the center dividing line into oncoming traffic and created an "extra lane" for himself when there was a jam...!!

I spend the next 4 hours in the airport reading a copy of the "The Economist", and continued reading all the way into the 3.5hrs flight into singapore. It was only about 30 hours between my departure and my arrival back... but phew.. quite a eyeful in the 30 hours!!
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