Другие записи:
vipivshi |
dead sailor was here |
День 2010.11.10, Точное время 12:11:00 |
Fear Itself | Страх как он есть Changed cause I didn't like my name anymore~
Been living at Ashton at Waterford Lakes since the 1st of May cause Dan and Juli turned out to be assholes. This apartment is really nice and clean though =D Live here with Brenda and Jenn. It's a two bedroom/two bath and yesterday we got free furniture from this guy giving stuff away on the side of the road. We got a free dining table, two chairs, and a day bed w/ mattress. =DDD!
We still need a coffee table, a regular couch and like some small furniture things and then we're set =D
I bought a quilt for my bed that's blue and (i think) really cute <3
Been looking for jobs around here, but have had no luck at all. Applied to a lot of places in waterford town center for like the billionth time. Not taking a class this summer, almost did but backed out cause I always really want a break. xoo~
Dunno what else I'm doing this summer. It looks like I'm going to seattle sometime at the beginning of June to visit Kenji while he's training there. Also may drive to Miami this summer and maybe go somewhere cooler like asheville or new york but I doubt it.
Oh! I am now 21=D feels weird haha~
What's your favorite color gummy bear?
murder =(
What is the sexiest part of the opposite sex's body?
hmm butt?
Have you ever made up/sang a song for someone you cared about?
Ever had a song sang about/for you?
Is there a baby in the room with you right now?
Where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other?
What is your favorite thing that is green?
What did your last text message say?
i'm not sureeee
Boxers, briefs or boxer briefs?
boxer briefs
What is your middle name?
What is the way to your heart?
hug a stuffed animal?
What do you smell like?
soup and milk?
What's in your pocket?
no pockets
Anything in your mouth?
tongue...soup remnants
Ever hurt yourself playing Wii?
yes i kicked the tv stand xo
Do you have freckles?
on my shoulders
How many languages can you say "Hello" in?
a lot
What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
i think it was observe and report?
Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on?
Are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday?
yes shirt and shorts
Name a song that you know all the words to:
o.O the itsy bitsy spider
Are you in love with someone right now?
What's the last thing you watched on TV?
starrrbooty (i kid you not)
What's the last video game you played?
umm i think kingdom hearts 2
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
my daddy is jim and he sells boat parts
Can you do the alphabet in sign language?
Do you have an unkle named Joe?
yes :o
What word do you use when people pass gas?
Do you wear glasses?
What can you hear right now?
air conditioning
Did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday?
same i guess
Ever been overseas?
What are your plans for today?
flea market
How long have you had MySpace?
for awhile (heeehee)
What was your favorite childhood show?
o.O friends?
Are you close to your siblings?
Do you sleep well at night?
usually yeah