WOW. Just WOW. THIS is what I've been waiting for.
One of my biggest problems with the last season was the overall lack of movement towards the overarching multi-season story arc. But this season... finally, it seems like we are getting to the core of the mythology. And it's starting with a bang.
Plus, we finally get to see Sam consciously, willingly using his powers. After a three seasons of build up, it was worth the wait. Go morally-ambiguous!Sam.
So much to love about this episode:
- Bobby. Awesome.
- Pam. Loved her. Someone please tell me they have already started the Pam-fic.
- Castiel. Really liked that he is, essentially, possessing someone (and there better be fic on that, too). and OMG WINGS!! I also liked that Dean still isn't 'special' - his 100% un-'special'ness is, too me, one of the key characteristics of the show, and I like that they keep that even after the resurrection. (Plus, Castiel was hot. Although did the character design remind anyone else of Constantine?)
- Ruby. I'm glad she's still 'alive', but while I really loved the idea and character of Ruby, there was always something ... off in the portrayal, a certain stiffness, stitledness. I'd put it down to the actress, but it seems to have carried over into the 'new' Ruby. Now I'm wondering if it is her role as 'exposition girl' (she shows up and talks, leaves), or maybe just the direction. Or maybe it is just me. Hmm.
Anyway, awesome new episode - can't wait until next week. Been a long time since I've been this excited about SPN - it's a nice feeling.
(Plus also, WEDGE ANTILLES!)