Comment and I'll give you a letter. List 10 persons/things you love that start with the respective letter.
fialleril, who nominated T.
01. Time travel. As long as you avoid killing any ancestors, and/or inadvertently destroying the human race. Also, temporal paradoxes. Mindbendy fun.
02. Temeraire. Hornblower + Dragons = Goodness.
03. Tangents. The bane of writers everywhere, but I still love them.
04. Threads. Along with the two-parter preceding it. Probably my favourite SG-1 episodes of all time.
05. Timelords. Related to 1, but with a hotness all of their own. And you can't forget the TARDIS.
06. Terry Pratchett. Genius among men. And monkeys apes.
07. Travel. One international trip, but I think I've caught the bug. And it's all the better with a camera.
08. Torchwood. One of these days, this show will live up to its potential and it will be AMAZING.
09. Tae Kwon Do. It's been sooo long... I miss it.
10. Tomorrow. Handmaiden of the future, and enabler of procrastinators everywhere.