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Oct 11, 2008 11:40

We're slowly getting around to telling people the good news. Yesterday, I organized a small drink for my colleagues (we usually have a drink on Friday evenings to start the weekend on the right foot ;-) and one of them gave me the garter she wore at her wedding for my "something old". I was really touched! It was wrapped in an empty box of pipette tips - probably just what she had on hand, but I loved that too! She's one of the colleagues I'm leaving for San Fransisco with in a week and a half - I'm sure we'll be having a blast!

I'm still getting used to the idea of getting married... But I'm very excited about it all, too!

Meanwhile, we had an incredibly busy week: on Monday, the choir rehearsal was even more difficult than normal - we're trying to get ready for the semifinals of Choir of the Year, so our conductor is very strict, even more so than normal. On Tuesday, the Fiancé and I went to a dance class - it's something I've always wanted to do, and he promised he'd take me when we were getting married... We had a good time; we learned the basics of a swing and a merengue (which we both didn't much care for- it's basically just wiggling about) and we danced a circle dance which we already knew from the folky parties we sporadically attend. We're definitely going back for more!

On Wednesday, I went to the Film Festival Preview of The Edge of Love, a biopic on the life of Dylan Thomas. On of the lead female roles was played by Kiera Knightley and it was set during World War II... Which made a comparison with Atonement all too easy. Unfortunately, Atonement turned out to be the winner - there were just too many tedious parts in The Edge of Love, which made it hard to really  care for the characters. And Kiera Knightley wasn't always successful in keeping her Welsh accent. Also, there was a running theme of  "eyes" which really creeped me out!

Tomorrow, we're going to a concert organized by the same Film Festival, where we'll be enjoying John Williams' music played by the Flanders Radio Orchestra. A gift from the Fiancé, no less - I'm really looking forward to it!

I hope all your weekends are as enjoyable as mine!

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