A bit of this and that

Feb 17, 2008 19:14

 Aaaannd... I’m back! I realized I should have worded my New Year’s resolution a bit more carefully - such as: “blog once a week” instead of “blog every day”. Work has been insane (have frozen over 300 million cells last week - a success, but not one I wish to repeat in a hurry. Freezing cells is boring!), but there is another reason why I have been AWOL for the past couple of weeks - a reason which you can find under the cut.

Isn’t it pretty? (Please note the hat on my head, and not the mess in our apartment.) I made it myself, from scratch, and it took me no longer than two weeks (which is probably a long time for a simple hat, but it was my first.) I got the pattern here - I have no idea why there is such a weird bump on the back of my head, and I don’t really care. Ever since I lost my earmuffs, I’ve been terribly cold riding when my bike to work every morning, but not any more! I’ll probably make another, but for now my ears are nice and warm. 
Finding a new hobby was definitely not on my resolutions list, but apparently it happened…

In other news (in no particular order and slightly abbreviated, to avoid tl;dr-syndrome):

- Music for the Budapest festival arrived. It looks not too difficult, but we’ll probably try it together before we leave. Now that’s a good motivator to rehearse on my own - when there are only six people, every mistake you make gets noticed.

- Dulcisona took part in the selection round of the Belgian “Choir of the Year”-competition, and we’ll go on to compete in the semi-finals! Yay! We sang extraordinarily well, too. The magic lasted for ten minutes (it had to be a very short program), but it reminded me of the reason why I love to sing. I’m excited to find out what we’ll be studying for the semis.

- The Boy and I were a bit under the weather all through last week, so we didn’t go to my parents for the weekend. This resulted in a much-needed trip to the launderette today. It wasn’t so bad (since it’s pretty close to where we live, we could go home and read a bit in between), but I still really want my own washing machine. If everything goes well, I’ll only have to wait for six months - we’ve found a bigger apartment (which we really like) and we’ll probably be able to move in come August. Two of the Boy’s friends are living there for the moment, but they’ve bought a house… We jumped on it as soon as they told us. It’s only five minutes from my job, too - the perfect place.

- Which brings me to the next item on my list: jobs. As from the beginning of February, the Boy and I are officially DINKs. That’s right - after half a year of searching, he finally bagged himself a job! It’s only ten minutes from where I work, too - we could eat lunch together if we wanted (but for now, we’re sticking to our colleagues). I’m very happy for him - and proud of him for persevering, too.

- Movies seen: Ratatouille (really liked it), Zwartboek (adored it) and Atonement (loved it - but I’m not sure if I want to see it a second time. I thought it was really true to the book, but a second viewing would probably unveil a lot of differences - which I don’t really like). Books read: Atonement (before seeing the movie - adored it and already gifted it to someone) and The Kite Runner (liked it, but still found it a bit clichéd. I can’t really put my finger on the parts that bugged me, but I thought it was too predictable overall). Maybe I’ll blog more about either of these in the near future.

That’s all folks - at least for now!

knitting rl choir

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