(no subject)

Aug 26, 2007 21:46

I thought I'd pop by to show I'm still alive - but life has been getting in the way of lj lately. Therefore, a post in several points...

Point The First: Boyfriend and I went to Bruges to celebrate our one-year-anniversary last weekend, and had an absolute ball. We went out to dinner several times (once in a very agreeable beerhouse, where they had some yummie salads -

mundungus42, I was thinking of you!), shopped a bit, sat in nice bars and on benches to chat, read and soak up the little sun there was, and generally rested because we both began work on Monday. Which brings me to...

Point The Second: I started for real at the pharmacy, first with a lot of people still supervising me, but more and more frequently supervising someone myself as the week went on. It's rather scary being responsible for another person's actions; but I do get a kick out of passing some of my knowledge onto the girl who is working with me.

Point The Third: Boyfriend started training for a job he wants. We can commute together in the morning, which is nice, but it also means that we have to organise our shopping because we don't always have time (I get home at 7.30 pm, when all the shops are closed). He gets home earlier, and starts cooking when I call him from the train home. So far, things are running smooth.

Point The Fourth: I've decided to stay at the new choir I auditioned for, and have been rehearsing Bach  (though not as often as I should. Sometimes I sing during lunch break, though). They have a lot of extra rehearsals coming up, some of them clashing with my other choir's rehearsals. A point I will have to take up with the conductor of said other choir...

Point The Fifth: On the train, I'm reading "The Quincunx" by Charles Palliser and, after 500-odd pages, I'm hooked. His style is very close to the one used in the era he's describing (19th century), but he still manages to keep it readable - and the unveiling of his plot happens so tantalizingly slow that I have to keep myself from skipping stuff in order to find out more.

Point The Sixth: I'm sure there is more to tell (my parents getting home from Thailand, "playing house" with Boyfriend, going to a surprise party for a graduating friend, trying to pin down dates to meet up with various friends -
warrior_little, I'm sorry about all the confusion! Check you mail, hon - ), but I'm tired. I'm rather happy I didn't go to choir rehearsal tonight (through no fault of my own, I might add). Sayonara, guys!

b, pharmacy, choir

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