My cliche fic "Broken"

Aug 18, 2015 21:06

Title: Broken
Author/Artist: lyonessheart
Cliche(s): injured!Harry or Draco (hospital wing or St. Mungos), healer!fic (healer/mediwizard & patient scenarios), divorce!fic
Word Count/Art Medium: 6902
Rating: (G to NC-17) PG-13
Warning(s) (Highlight to view): *attempted suicide, depression, divorce!fic mentions het!sex, cannon relationships*
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: This is a gen/friendship story between Harry and Draco, and it would not have worked out without my two wonderful beta readers crazyparakiss and 8c working through this has given me an entirely different outlook on creating a story and I hope that the readers enjoy it as much as I do.
Summary: Draco has had enough of this life, but Harry doesn’t agree. What if Draco has to realize that just because some might have it all on the outside, sometimes people are broken in very different ways.


gen, h/d

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