A little update

Jun 13, 2009 11:22

So one of my buddies already know this as well as my husband.

About three months ago I had a freckle on my back turn into an increadbly ichy mole. Which SUCKS cause it's right on my braw line. I was kinda like a bare for three months trying to ich my back on everything.

The very scaby feel of it and the fact it itched worried me so I went to the doc. FINALLY. Well the doc brought out a little hand held micro scope and took a look at it and then used me a a gina pig to show the nurses in his office (I don't mind I'm not shy about my body). Other then comenting on my lovely colorful tattoos, the mole wasn't looking good.

Accually the doctor hated the look of it and told me we needed to remove it asap. It looked like melanoma. Though the good news is, he said it might not be considering I'm not an overal moley person there for I'm at low risk, but it was a concern.

So on Tuesday, he's sending me to a plastic sergen/dermitoligist...not just a regular dermitologist. He said he would perfer the plastic sergen cause well 1. he would removed the whole mole and 2. he wouldn't ruin my tatt. If he just sent me to a regular dermitologist they would just take a shaveing of it then test it before removing the whole thing. Doc said it's cause me enought problems by just being there and getting irritated under my bra.

So I don't really care what it is right now, it just needs to go away!! OMG THE ICH IS DRIVING ME UP A FUCKING WALL!!
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