Mar 19, 2009 05:40
So yesterday was my first day of no smokeing for me. Got the patch, and lots of lolly pops and hard candy. Supprisingly it wasn't too bad at work. But when I got home it was pretty bad. The habbit of picking something up and lighting it was making my eye twich. Because I was in the bad habbit of when I was bord I'ed smoke a cig. AND I didn't have any hard candy at home. Needless to say the bag of lollypops I keep at my desk will now reside in my bag so I can have them when I get that urge. Cause the husband won't let me give him head when he's playing his starwars vidio games.
Yay for sticking things in your mouth.
The patch is ok, it's like I'm on a constant Nic high. WOO flying high. Only problem is, it makes the muscle in my arm sore and the ahesive give me a rash. so I have to switch it from day to day I think. The man was sweet to me yesterday after I got out of the shower, he saw the big ugly red mark from the patch and rubed me down. Yes I refuse to sleep with the patch on. Considering my mother and father had nasty dreams with it on. So I've been warned...and it even warns you on the box.
Though waking up this morning was hell. I looked at my clock and thought 'well I need to get up now if I want a smoke before I leave." almost made me cry knowing I wasn't allowed one. but then I put on the patch and I was ok and flying agian. So day two of now smoking
On a fun point I finally made lvl 55 on WoW with my hunter. yeah it only took me since the damn game came out to stick with a char till lvl 55. So I roll a Dark Knight all I have to say is Ooooohhhh SHINY!!!