put your head between your knees and breathe (1/1)

Oct 23, 2013 01:54

Title: Put Your Head Between Your Knees and Breathe
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Characters: Caroline centric, Stefan, Liz (mentions of others)
Rating: PG
Warnings: Post ep/missing scene from 2x02, so spoilers for everything in that episode and before. Also, some definite hero worship developing for Stefan, in case that really bothers you.
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character: stefan salvatore, yay i wrote something!, one-shot, character: liz forbes, fic: put your head between your knees, fanfic, gen, character: caroline forbes, fandom: the vampire diaries

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Comments 6

clockwork_hart1 November 20 2013, 19:44:13 UTC
I really like this!

Caroline's pain and confusion and just everything is so right, so real, and very in character. The Damon flashbacks are dark and so sad.

And you know what? It bothered me too. How did she get back in? You realise I'm adopting this as part of my head-cannon, right?


lynzie914 November 22 2013, 20:46:27 UTC
Thank you! I'm really glad that you liked it and it worked for you. And I created head-canon for somebody yay! It so bothered me that they never explained it, especially because Liz does know about vampires and would totally be suspicious if she suddenly had to invite her daughter inside and would have been on vervain, so they couldn't have forced her to do so. So yeah, I've wanted to write something for it forever. And I'm glad that you thought it worked for Caroline as well, her headspace. I already had all these thoughts about what she went through during those first few days after she became a vampire and then they showed Elena reliving things in a 3-D fashion and was suddenly horrified for what that meant for Caroline, so I'm glad that came over well.

And I got all rambly, sorry. But thank you so much for commenting, I'm glad that you liked the story. XD


clockwork_hart1 November 22 2013, 20:48:40 UTC
I really did like it! Mind if I friend you, btw?


lynzie914 November 22 2013, 21:10:03 UTC
No, totally friend away! I always love making new friends. XD


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