Three day weekends always leave me confused about what day it is. (I'm easily confused.)

Oct 02, 2013 20:21

This post is half pimpage and half a reminder to myself about the things I’ve signed up for and want/need to finish. Because, yeah, I sign up for a lot of things.

I have no self-control, it’s a problem.

+Het-Big Bang: Okay, this one I totally missed the deadline for already. It’s gone and past and everything was just posted a few days ago. But I’m determined to finish this story anyways, just to prove to myself that even if I can’t finish a big bang, I can still finish the story. And also, I really like the idea for the story.

It’s an AU Caroline/Klaus story set after 3x21. Klaus may not really be dead, but he’s haunting Caroline anyways, and he won’t stop until she wakes him up. It’s a story I’ve really wanted to write for a while now, because I love exploring the fucked up sides of Klaroline and I have a thing about dream manipulation and this story is full of it. I have a little over 17k and I’m so close to finishing, I just need to do it.

+CWBIGBANG : This one I highly encourage everyone to go sign up for, because I’m a co-mod and I said so. (Also our sign-up pages are kind of sad). It’s all shows on the CW new and old and a good amount of one’s associated with the CW due to the WB.

I’m still figuring out for sure what I want to write for this one, but I recently started an Amesia!Chloe fic for SV, an exploration of a plotline I read once that could have been but wasn't (but would have been amazing and full of Chlex-y goodness or at least that's how it is in my head) and I’m super excited about it (and for getting my Chloe muse back), so I’m thinking I'll be trying for this one.

+rare-bb: Rare pairings, rare fandoms, rare crossovers; if it’s rare, it’s included. And I’m a sucker for a rare anything.

This is my human!Caroline escaping Mystic Falls and dealing with the fallout by not really dealing with it at all (denial and Caroline are very close friends) but when she stumbles upon Alaric on campus, it changes everything story. I have over 11k in notes and snippets and if I can just form it into an actual story with a plot, I’ll be super happy. Also, I’ve wanted to write Caroline/Alaric for like ever, for reasons I can’t even explain to you.

+royaltystory: Pretty self-explanatory, royalty just has to play a part in the story, whether it’s in the past, the present, the future, or off in some galaxy far far away.

Mine is based around the line Klaus said in “Dangerous Liaisons” that the bracelet he gave to Caroline once belonged to a princess. In this story, that princess was her, going back and forth between Caroline of now and the Caroline of then, and it explains why Klaus fell so hard so fast for her.

+genderswapbb : I asked the mod and it allows for the switching of already established male or female characters into the other’s role, and this is an idea I love, so I couldn’t stop myself.

I’m going with an AU version of Smallville, where Tess Luthor comes to Smallville to run the plant and hits Chloe with her car and how canon changes with these two very different characters taking over the lead roles. (Clark becomes her best friend with a tendency to stick his foot in his mouth, Lois becomes the infamous green archer though I don’t know if we’ll get that far, and Oliver becomes Clark’s reporter cousin. Most of the other characters are still being figure out). I’ve had this idea for a while, so I’m excited to have a reason to force myself to work on it.

So this has been a post, mostly for me as reminder, but also to encourage someone other than me to go sign up for things and make me feel better about myself. So yeah, this has been a selfish post of me wanting to suck you all down with me. I’m sorry. But also, I’m really not.

Go and check out some big bangs! (Especially the CW one....)

go check it out!, write all the things, reminders to myself, go forth and write things, easily convinced to do things, inspiration is a fickle bitch, you know you want to, i need a mood for headache, spamming my f-list, in need of caffiene, talk like this, don't judge me, big bang, randomness, something shiny!, i have a problem

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