You're blackmailing me now? You're coming along nicely.

Aug 26, 2013 21:24

So I'm bored and sick and avoiding other things, and well, that means memes. Its just my way.

Leave me a character and I will tell you ( Read more... )

avoiding other things, something shiny!, sick, meme, migrane from hell

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tehzo September 16 2013, 09:20:49 UTC
Yes to every single part.

Why I like them: Because she’s Chloe, really that’s the best explanation I’ve got. I’ve just loved her from day one.

The first episode I ever watched was during season 1. I saw Lex, was intrigued by him and that's what made pulled me in. Then I met Chloe...and that was it. Like you, I fell in love with her from day one. I rewatched the first few seasons awhile ago and I was surprised by how little screen time she had. And it just made me think that, despite how much time she had, it was still that easy to love her.

I could write a huge meta on this and the Davis arc on its own.

If you're ever bored and have some time, I would love, love to hear what you thought of the Davis arc. I feel that everything you've said is exactly how I've just put it in much better words than I would be able to.

Favorite scene: Basically any scene with her and Lionel or Lex.

Me too. Season 3 is still one of my favorites because of her arc with the Luthors. There was something amazing in her scenes with them. One of my favorites was one that was actually deleted. It was with Chloe and Lionel in his office in Metropolis and Lionel says something along the lines of her teaming up with Lex and then complementing her--that she had a 'ruthless instinct for self-preservation.' It's clear that a part of him admired this teenage girl.

...where she took what she learned from the sharks surrounding her and used it against them (Lionel circles his victims and here, here Chloe is circling hers), and she manages to manipulate a man who should have the upper hand.

Another one of my favorites episodes and scenes...couldn't help myself, I made this awhile ago on tumblr...

OTP: First OTP was Chloe/Lex and I’ll always be loyal to them, but it ended up being Chloe/Oliver. Which was endgame, which never happens to my ships, which kind of makes them my OTP of OTPs.

Again--me too!!! Chloe and Lex were my first SV pairing (they could have been sooo good). And then after them, came Chlollie and that was that.

I also have the same beliefs when it comes to Tess and Chloe/Jimmy. I love Tess (even before she left Lex...she admired Chloe and I really enjoyed the few scenes that had together). Chloe and Jimmy...I've always wanted the best for Chloe and I never, ever saw Jimmy as being the love of her life.


lynzie914 September 17 2013, 01:13:18 UTC
I love how similar our thoughts on Chloe are. She’s such an amazing character and I’m just happy to see someone who loves her the same way I do. (And ships my two major Chloe ships to boot!)

I rewatched the first few seasons awhile ago and I was surprised by how little screen time she had. And it just made me think that, despite how much time she had, it was still that easy to love her.

I think it’s a credit to the character (and Allison) that even with limited screen time compared to the some of the others, she was such a complete character at such an early stage. We learnt more and more about her with each season, and she was shaped by all of the things that happened to her, but by the end of the first season really, you already knew who Chloe was, her dreams and wants and faults and everything else. The core of her character was there from the beginning and so easy to fall in love with. Or you know, that’s my Chloe loving bias speaking….

You encouraging me to write meta makes me want to write it, but I never actually written purposeful meta before (compared to just talking a lot), so the idea kind of intimidates me. But at the same time, I do have a lot of Chloe (and the Davis arc and repercussions of it) thoughts, so maybe I’ll do it. I’ll be sure to link you to it (and blame you for it) if I do. ;D

Season 3 is still one of my favorites because of her arc with the Luthors.

Yes! Me too. Season 3 actually is my favorite season and it’s mostly due to her arc with the Luthors (though there are other things that contribute as well), I just love the dynamic so much. I wish they could have found a way to continue it more. While she obviously had strong opinions about both Luthors, her interactions with them became so much less frequent over the years and it always makes me sad. So many missed opportunities. Though her last scene with Lionel, where he was literally begging on his knees and she denied him what he wanted. Yeah, that gives me all kinds of feelings because I just loved the power shift and the exploration of the idea that Chloe had never forgotten who Lionel Luthor really was at heart or what he had done to her.

It’s been a while since I’ve rewatched season three in general, let alone the deleted scenes, but I do know the one you’re talking about and I love it. Especially that line, because I think that’s a side of her that isn’t acknowledge a lot and a lot of people don’t see, but is most definitely there. She is loyal and she is caring, to a fault, but she also looks out for herself too because she knows that there won’t always be someone else there to do it for her. And yes, I so love how John Glover portrayed Lionel’s interest and admiration for Chloe and how he was so fascinated by her and how that played on screen. (I remember reading multiple places that it seemed like JG had a lot to do with that aspect of the relationship so I tend to credit him for some of it, but of course I could be wrong about how much credit I give him.)

Oh yay! Thank you for this link. I just love the visual of them both doing the same thing at the same time you have with the gifs. And I loved your own comments on the side, about how important it is to note that the scene with Lex became first, that it was something she learned from Lionel and she used it against Lex. Because I think its so true. Chloe was one of the first people we saw on the show to start using the Luthors own tactics against them. And just yeah. Truth gives me a lot of Chloe feelings. And I love that you made a tumblr post for those two scenes and there connections. Also, I’m going to have to go through your Smallville tag on your tumblr and see what else you have. XD

Chloe and Lex were my first SV pairing (they could have been sooo good). And then after them, came Chlollie and that was that.

Yes! Chloe and Lex are totally my “we could have had it all” pairing. They just, so much potential there and I would have loved to see where it would have lead Chloe, what path she would have taken if it was Lex by her side and not Clark. But then, yes, Chlollie. I have so much love for Chlollie and I never expected to get it actually on my screen, but then it happened and I don’t think I’ve ever been so in love with a pairing.


lynzie914 September 17 2013, 01:16:38 UTC
Also, I talked/rambled a lot again, sorry. Hopefully you don't mind. Like I said before, I have a lot of Chloe feelings.


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