As far as evil plans go, it doesn't suck.

Aug 19, 2013 20:15

So, het-big bang stories are due the 27th by midnight and I'm finally in that place where I'm starting to panic a bit. (Sometimes a lot, it really just depends on the day.)

I signed up for the little bang, which should make it easier because its a smaller word count and less stress in general because you don't have an artist to disappoint if you can't manage to get it done. But I was really really hoping that this would be the big bang I finished. I've lost count of the amount I've signed up for (I have no self control when it comes to these things) but I've never completed one. So I'm really hoping this one gets finished.

And there's still a good chance it will be, I know that. But right now the story's not finished, none of its been betaed (I don't even have a beta), and while I have an ending planned, I also have a lot of missing pieces of how to get there, and there are sections of my story I don't even like. And yeah, panic mode is currently flipped to the on position.

So yeah. This is a post. A neurotic post, written by a neurotic person. Sorry you had to read it.

ranty rant rant, needs appropriate gif, sorry about the rant, in need of caffiene, writing is hard, big bang, inspiration is a fickle bitch, pointless post is pointless, issues i have them, feel free to ignore

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