Yay Tutorials!

Jan 10, 2012 00:55

I finally got a new prettier background for my tumblr. Its still not as pretty as a lot, but I like it. You can see it HERE if anyone's interested. And I'd always love more tumblr friends if anyone wants to add me.

But doing it inspired me to update my own journal and I love it. And I even managed to figure out how to do a rotating header. I'm so excited and off to find lots of headers/possibly make some.

But I'm proud of myself for all that I did. Coding and HTML is so not my friend, so doing it all on my own and actually getting the results I wanted is awesome. Happy dance time!

easily made happy, happy dance, i should be sleeping, don't judge me, pointless post is pointless, randomness, awesomeness, something shiny!, coding is a real bitch

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