Of course not, I'm a professional!

Aug 24, 2011 00:06

When you kill a bug, do you ever briefly worry that all their bug friends might show up and enact their revenge on you? Or am I the only one that has this thought? I think this is a sign I've seen far too many movies were bugs mutate to very large sizes and then try (and succeed) to kill people. Obviously I have watched to many movies on SyFy ( Read more... )

avoiding other things, bored and wishing i had pie, cowboy!dean, in need of caffiene, procrastinating, rain rain go away, missing muse, and i want a pony...., meme, don't judge me, pointless post is pointless, randomness, you know you want to, something shiny!

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lynzie914 August 27 2011, 04:12:24 UTC
favorite character: Chloe Sullivan (Not that would surprise anyone, LOL)
least favorite character: Grant Gabriel. Most of the characters on SV I liked at some point, often depending on the episode/season or who they were interacting with, but Grant I just never did.
prettiest character: I'm going to have to go with Oliver, just because I could probably watch him literally doing nothing onscreen and I'd be happy, but really Smallville has a ridiculously pretty cast and all of them could fit here.
character I wanna marry: LOL, I feel like I'm repeating myself but Oliver. No contest there.
favorite pairing: Chloe/Oliver
favorite episode: Well with ten seasons, I have a bunch of favorites, but its probably tied between "Justice" and "Shattered".
unpopular opinion: LOL, well I probably have a lot of opinions that could be considered unpopular it just depends on what part of the fandom your asking. One though, is that I didn't really mind that Michael Rosenbaum left the show, meaning Lex left the show. I mean, don't get me wrong I was a huge Lex fan and therefore sad about it (and didn't feel that way after I originally heard he wasn't coming back), and I got ridiculously excited when MR announced that he was coming back for the finale. (There was lots of flailing and fangirling.) But characterwise, I feel like they would have done more harm to his character than good if he had remained for the last three seasons, they had already took him to such a dark place (quicker than I thought they should have), so I don't even know what they would have done with him. Besides, him leaving brought me Tess who I have so much love for, that I can't help but be okay with it. :D


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