Of course not, I'm a professional!

Aug 24, 2011 00:06

When you kill a bug, do you ever briefly worry that all their bug friends might show up and enact their revenge on you? Or am I the only one that has this thought? I think this is a sign I've seen far too many movies were bugs mutate to very large sizes and then try (and succeed) to kill people. Obviously I have watched to many movies on SyFy ( Read more... )

avoiding other things, bored and wishing i had pie, cowboy!dean, in need of caffiene, procrastinating, rain rain go away, missing muse, and i want a pony...., meme, don't judge me, pointless post is pointless, randomness, you know you want to, something shiny!

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lynzie914 August 25 2011, 23:04:25 UTC
LOL, we made each other feel less insane, because I'm really glad its not just me having these thoughts.XD

Damn muses, they just never seem to cooperate. But we still have a good chunk of time, so hopefully they'll pop up soon for the both of us. :D

Gilmore girls, fun!

favorite character: Loreilai. I love pretty much all of them, but she's my absolute favorite.
least favorite character: Hmmm...Logan's parents?
prettiest character: Tie between Lorielai and Rory. They both have such beautiful blue eyes.
character I wanna marry: End of the series Jess. I always loved Jess, but by that point he had really gotten it together.
favorite pairing Loreilai/Luke and Rory/Jess
favorite episode: "A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving" I've seen a bunch of times, because ABCFamily used to play it a lot aroudn thanksgivng, but I never get tired of seeing it. I just love all the dinners they go to and the things that happen. It also has Dave and Lane first kiss, which is a bonus. :D
unpopular opinion: Hmmmm....The only thing I can think of for this one is one we've already discussed, but I stopped really liking Dean's character after season one. And I defenitely think that they kept him around too long, though I can understand the urge to keep Jared Padelecki around cuz he's awesome,. LOL.


svgurl August 26 2011, 07:12:34 UTC
And if we are crazy, at least we can be crazy together. :D

I know, right? Hopefully it's true! Sadly I completely forgot to turn in a summary for the SV Big Bang so I guess it's something I don't have to worry about after all. All that's left now for the X-Men Big Bang I signed up for and fortunately, that's going quite smoothly. I'll have to find another excuse to write my deaged Clois/Chlollie fic! ;)

Ooh, awesome answers! You know I agree with all of them. I forgot about Logan's parents and I agree they were jerks. Even Christopher's parents were awful now that I think about it.

I'm totally with you on marrying end of series Jess. If Rory didn't want him, he should know there are plenty of us who will snatch him up. ;) Love the episode that you chose too. I have the urge to go watch some GG now. XD

And yes, you know I agree about the Dean part. It's a shame his character didn't get a better send off and that is probably because he was there too long and became unlikeable by the end of his run. JP is awesome though ... I always get amused at that video of him and Justin playing Guitar Hero.


lynzie914 August 27 2011, 04:25:04 UTC
LOL, its always nice to have the company. :D

Awww, that's too bad. I did wonder when I was reading over the summaries for the artists where yours was, but I thought maybe it had just got skipped over. But I'm glad your X-men one is going well, I'm sure it'll be awesome. But yes, I defenitely think you should find another reason to do the fic so I can read it. ;)

Oh, I totally forgot about Christopher's parents, you're totally right. They can be added to the list of least favorites, for a lot of the same reasons Logan's parents are there.

LOL, yes. If Rory didn't snatch him up after the series ended, I'm sure there's lots of people willing to do it instead. XD All this talking about it makes me want to watch some as well.

I agree. I actually really hate the last episode that he was in when he comes back, I didn't think it did any justice to his character or the storyline in general. But like you said, I think it comes down to just keeping the character around for too long when they didn't need too. LOL, I agree. I love that clip of the two of them, they're both so adorable.


smallvillefics August 26 2011, 08:27:21 UTC
I have to go one step further and say that I never cared for Dean. I simply felt he was written in as "boy who adores Rory" and the follow up characterization seemed built around what he could do for her.

I am usually so amazed by the creativity of the show that this seems glaringly worse in comparison. Like they were in the writer's room saying, "Hey, did you realize if we make Dean good with cars he can *build* Rory one?" "Yeah! Let's do that!" *shakes head sadly*

I'm not saying JP is a bad actor, but that was not a great role.


lynzie914 August 27 2011, 04:37:36 UTC
You know, I never really thought about it, but I totally agree wiith that. Dean was really written around what role he played in Rory's life. In the beginning it was to be her first boyfriend and a new thing in Rory and Lorelai's life. Then it was Rory being torn between him and Jess, and for me (though I'm biased cuz I totally shipped Rory/Jess) he always seemed more of an obstacle in the way of Rory and Jess than anything else. Even him marrying Lindsey seemed to revolve more around Rory than it did him. He never really did get a storyline of his own like the other characters did.

Huh, now I wonder why I never really picked up on that before. Thank you for pointing that out to me. :D

I totally agree. I think this comes down to a badly written part and by the end of his run an unlikable character, nothing to do with the acting. Even if he was played by a different actor, I still think I'd dislike him just the same.


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