Of course not, I'm a professional!

Aug 24, 2011 00:06

When you kill a bug, do you ever briefly worry that all their bug friends might show up and enact their revenge on you? Or am I the only one that has this thought? I think this is a sign I've seen far too many movies were bugs mutate to very large sizes and then try (and succeed) to kill people. Obviously I have watched to many movies on SyFy ( Read more... )

avoiding other things, bored and wishing i had pie, cowboy!dean, in need of caffiene, procrastinating, rain rain go away, missing muse, and i want a pony...., meme, don't judge me, pointless post is pointless, randomness, you know you want to, something shiny!

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paulingui August 24 2011, 15:01:04 UTC
I always think in the family of the bug I just killed xD lol.

I'm going to ask about Veronica Mars :D


lynzie914 August 25 2011, 03:25:10 UTC
LOL, they're sometime who I think will come after me. XD

favorite character: Veronica. Its actually one of the few times where my favorite character is the lead/title character.
least favorite character: Celeste Kane.
prettiest character Veronica defenitely, Kristen Bell is so pretty and adorable. XD
character I wanna marry: Hmmmm...Is it weird if I say Weevil? LOL, I really don't know.
favorite pairing: Veronica/Logan
favorite episode: The pilot. Its one of those pilots that is just filled with awesomeness, instead of being filled with potential awesomeness.
unpopular opinion: I LOVE Veronica and Logan, but I actually didn't mind when Piz came along and the two of them started dating. I thought that he was good for Veronica and what she needed at that stage.


paulingui August 25 2011, 14:16:19 UTC
Hahahahaha me too, sometimes after I killed a mosquito I'm like "damn now his entire family it's going to come after me"

Mine too, I always love the supporting character of the show but with VM that wasn't the case, guess that it's cause Veronica it's amazing.

Ugh Celeste, I hated her so much! she was such a bitch and so annoying, besides she hated Veronica.

LOL, Weevil? heee, I loved him but not in that way, I was so mad when he didn't have a chance to graduate. Stupid Lamb.

The Pilot was so so good!, I remember that I headr about it cause a friend told me about a new show that it was going to start that day (but here in Chile) on a cable network, and I was hook from the beggining.

That IS a very unpopular opinion!. My mouth it's closed lol


lynzie914 August 25 2011, 22:15:42 UTC
LOL, I'm glad its not just me then. I'm pretty sure mosquitos actually do that though, cuz it always seems like after I managed to kill one I still end up with like five more bites. XD

Yeah, I usually gravitate towards the supporting characters but the awesomeness that is Veronica cannot be denied.

There was just nothing about Celeste that I could sympothize with, she just always came off as bitch like you said. Just one of those characters you have no choice but to hate.

LOL, IDK if I'd really want to marry him, but I do love his character.

Yep, defenitely one of those pilots that has you hooked from the beginning. Once you've seen it, there's no turning back.

Yeah, I know, I'm like one in five fans that think that way. I do wish that she had been with Logan when the show ended though, that part of it did make me sad. But really the whole cancelization of it made me sad.


smallvillefics August 26 2011, 08:23:48 UTC
I totally get the Piz love; Chris Lowell is awesome. It's not even that Veronica & Logan were a perfect OTPing. It's that KB & JD had such amazing chemistry onscreen it was totally worth watching their moments of self destruction. Nobody has wit & banter like those two!

And ITA about the pilot!! Most pilots leave you thinking, "Oh, not so bad. I bet it will grow on me. Definite potential." VMars left you wondering how they would top it.


lynzie914 August 27 2011, 04:17:45 UTC
Yay! I'm always happy when I'm not the only one feeling the Piz love. XD That's so totally true, I think with different actors, Veronica and Logan's relationship would have been so different. But with them, even before they were a couple and had such a different relationship, I still loved to watch them interact.

Exactly! So many pilots leave you curious or interested, but for me its rare to find ones that automatically have you hooked and VM defenitely had that for me. You just instantly wanted to see more.


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