Of course not, I'm a professional!

Aug 24, 2011 00:06

When you kill a bug, do you ever briefly worry that all their bug friends might show up and enact their revenge on you? Or am I the only one that has this thought? I think this is a sign I've seen far too many movies were bugs mutate to very large sizes and then try (and succeed) to kill people. Obviously I have watched to many movies on SyFy ( Read more... )

avoiding other things, bored and wishing i had pie, cowboy!dean, in need of caffiene, procrastinating, rain rain go away, missing muse, and i want a pony...., meme, don't judge me, pointless post is pointless, randomness, you know you want to, something shiny!

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lynzie914 August 24 2011, 05:06:36 UTC
favorite character Caroline
least favorite character: Probably a tie between Matt and Damon. I liked both characters in season one (and still have a huge love of S1!Damon) but by the end of season two, I just wasn't feeling the love anymore. The writers should fix that this season.
prettiest character: Alaric and Stefan. I love to stare at them both.
character I wanna marry: Alaric. Or Stefan. Oh, or Elijah. :D
favorite pairing: Caroline/Stefan. Obvious answer, but still the truth.
favorite episode: The Return (Or Daddy Issues)
unpopular opinion: I don't really want Elena to end up with Stefan or Damon. Stefan obviously because I think he's so much better suited for a blonde vampire and deserves someone more awesome. XD Damon because unless the writers do some serious fixing, there is no way that can be a healthy relationship.

Also, I prefered Klaus!Alaric over Klaus in his real body. Maybe its my love of Matt Davis showing, but I just thought he was more awesome and did it better. At the very least I wish it had lasted longer.


sourpony August 24 2011, 05:14:38 UTC
I think that was too easy for you. AND EVERYTHING PRETTY/MARRY/SNOG SHOULD BE MATT DAVIS. Seriously Klaus!Alaric was ridiculously sexy and just YES.


lynzie914 August 24 2011, 05:22:57 UTC
LOL, was it supposed to be hard? I guess you can give me a different harder fandom if you want. XD


I know right? Klaus!Alaric had me rooting for the bad guy. SO MUCH LOVE FOR HIM. WHY WASN'T THERE MOOOORE???


sourpony August 24 2011, 05:25:09 UTC
OMG HIS HAIR. HOW COULD THAT BE FORGOTTEN?? I really need to get me a Matt Davis icon, preferable one as Klaus. I have an Elijah one but no Alaric one. I need to fix that!

Especially when S3 rolls around. I think that once Leverage takes a break and TVD comes back we should set up our date night for TVD instead :D


lynzie914 August 24 2011, 05:27:39 UTC
IDK? ITS USUALLY YOU TALKING ABOUT HIS HAIR, LOL. XD You defenitely should. And I support this idea of Klaus!Alaric. Sexy iicons are pretty for me to look at.

Oh, I like this idea! It should defenitely be considered. XD


sourpony August 24 2011, 06:05:26 UTC
I got one fore now :D I'm falling asleep so I'm not really paying attention to where I've looked and at what :D

I think so too since we only have like 2 more epsidoes before the break!


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