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svgurl May 24 2011, 03:21:05 UTC
Yeah, I signed up for the Smallville Big Bang too. I guess both of us give in too easily, lol. Except I don't have a plot bunny yet. Oops?

That other comm sounds awesome! *goes off to check it out*


lynzie914 May 24 2011, 04:11:12 UTC
LOL, but we give into to the same things, so at least there's that. XD I'm sure you'll think of something awesome, and I'm always here to help if you need it. I have a plot bunny, its just making it work outside my head that might be the problem....We'll see how it goes.

Its still in its early stages, but I love the concept of it, and my friend who opened it is awesome with this stuff, so I'm really looking forward to it. More reasons to get to work on plot bunnies I might have never gotten around too. :D


svgurl May 24 2011, 06:40:34 UTC
We're clearly tempted by the same type of stuff, lol. And aww, you're always too nice to me but I appreciate it. ♥ I haven't even settled on a ship but fortunately, it's a lower word count and we have a lot of time so I'm not stressing out just yet. I totally know what you mean- sometimes, I have these ideas in my head on how I want a scene to go, down to the dialogue, but I just can't get it written down! I saw you're writing Chlex ... that's cool! I'm looking forward to your fic.

That's very cool. I joined and am eagerly waiting to see what will happen.


lynzie914 May 25 2011, 02:46:54 UTC
just speak the truth. :D Yes, the lower word count was what helped me talk myself into it. More than likely with my idea I'll go over it, but its much less daunting than it could be. And the final draft isn't due til october, also helping. Exactly! That's just how it is, you know what you want to happen, right down to the details but it just won't come out properly on the paper. That's whats happeniing with my help_japan fic right now too. Yes, I decided this was my excuse to finally do a Chlex fic. I've had this idea rattling around my head for a while now for an alternate S5 where Chloe never went to the artic, and therefore Clark never told him about his powers and how that has a sort of ripple effect and cuz its me, leads to Chlex. I actually did a vid with the storyline along time ago but never posted because I didn't like how it came out. So now I'm changing it to a fic. Or that's the idea anyways. XD

Me too. :D


svgurl May 25 2011, 22:14:22 UTC
It's a frustrating feeling, isn't it? It's like, "I know what I want to see ... why can't I just get it down?" I have this WIP that I've been dragging out for years and I totally have that problem with that fic. :\ Ooh, your story sounds awesome! What a creative and unique idea. I do love AUs and I've never seen a fic like you described. It would be interesting to think of what would have happened if Chloe didn't find out the secret in s5. I'm excited to read it! :D That's too bad about the vid ...I would've loved to see that too. :D


lynzie914 May 26 2011, 03:43:52 UTC
Completely frustrating. You'd think your own brain would be more cooperative, LOL. I hope you get that WIP figured out eventually, I like to think that given enough time you can usually get through it, but I don't actually have the experience to back that up. :D ( ... )


svgurl May 26 2011, 23:43:03 UTC
I know, right? You would think! But that's sadly not the case, lol. And thank you. I hope you're right. NGL, I haven't updated that fic in like a year and I feel so bad whenever someone asks about it. My goal is to finish it this year though. Fingers crossed! :D

I really do. It's so interesting to see how one different choice could change so much and with a show like Smallville, with ten years of canon, there are so many things that could have gone differently. Like you said, I do love what we got but in fic, it's fun to play with the what could've been.

One thing I constantly wonder about is how different the show would be if Sam Jones hadn't left after the third season. Idk why but it just makes me wonder a lot.Hmm ... that would be interesting. I wonder if Pete/Lana would've ever gotten together, like the comics, or interacted more than they did. Clark may not have been so closed up with his secret, because I do think Pete leaving had an impact on him, even if he did get the chance to say so ( ... )


lynzie914 May 27 2011, 04:14:06 UTC
Sadly, no. Not how it works. Yeah, I have fics like that. I really do feel bad when someone comments. But it happens. That's a good goal, I'll cross my fingers with you that it works out that way. XD ( ... )


svgurl June 1 2011, 22:39:13 UTC
Evil LJ ... I had a comment all written up and then I pressed the wrong button by accident and it all disappeared. :( I'm going to try to remember what I wrote, lol.

And yeah, it's really unfair too. I wish I had some power where I can magically transfer what's in my brain onto the computer. That's be a useful power. XD I mean, as writers, we know we're not doing this intentionally but as a reader who's waited impatiently for her favorite fics to be updated and not had it happen, I do feel bad. Thank you though! With all the Big Bangs I signed up for, I don't know if it's reasonable but I'm hoping so anyway! :D ( ... )


lynzie914 June 6 2011, 00:11:57 UTC
Oooh. LJ really is evil. I think it takes enjoyment with messing with the users. :D ( ... )


svgurl July 6 2011, 01:28:09 UTC
I definitely agree on that one.

It would totally make things simpler. NGL, I have abandoned stories in the past but I actually like this one so I do want to finish it. And yeah, I agree. Hopefully ou're right! I ended up signing up for three- the scifi one I dropped though. Sadly, that was the first one I signed up for, but I couldn't work with the plot I decided on and I couldn't come up with another one either. So now I'm just doing the Het Big Bang and the SV one. More reasonable. I was a bit too ambitious signing up for three but all these Big Bangs are so tempting that I can't help myself!

It's the whole 'every cloud has a silver lining' thing, huh? And thank you1 I wish I could take credit for it but I can't. It's actually theclexfactor's idea. She has kickass drawing skills and she made this one of the Vogue photoshoot Tom did. You know the picture of him putting the glasses back on the model's face? Instead of her, she drew Erica and drew a desk with Perry standing behind it and offered up a plot. The pic is here. Unfortunately, I don't ( ... )


lillianschild May 31 2011, 15:57:12 UTC
I'm looking forward to it. There's very little Chlex and hetLex-loving outside Naughty-Seduction.


lynzie914 June 1 2011, 00:09:09 UTC
Thank you! Hopefully it turns out as something you like. And I very much agree, not enough Chlex love or hetLex love outside of there. Or at least that I've seen. I would love it if there was more of it. :D


lillianschild June 1 2011, 00:51:49 UTC
Youu're a member of N-S, aren't you? My username there's lexie. :)


lynzie914 June 1 2011, 01:46:42 UTC
Yep. Its where I go for all my Chlex fics.:D I have the same username over there s here. :D


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