I Might Regret This Come September But...

May 20, 2011 23:03


25,000 words. Any Fandom. Any Het Pairing.

Author Sign Up I Artist Sign Up I Beta Sign Up I Cheerleading Sign Up

So I was crazy enough to sign up for for this, and I think my f-list should too. XD Seriously though, they're hoping for more writers to sign up (you have until June 1st) and are in serious need of artists (I know I have some awesomely talented people on my f-list). They could also use more betas and cheerleaders. I know I'd love to have one of each once I get started (I'm not allowed to start until I finish my help_japan story that I'm working super hard on by my own rules) and I know other people would too. So come sign up! We can be overwhelmed by the thought of 25,000 words together.

excitement, my beautiful f-list, randomness, awesomeness, something shiny!, you know you want to, pimpage, don't ask me

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