Dude, I was doing fan freaking tastic at avoiding land comms until I remembered we're not on a team/land together anywhere. It's ridiculous considering the amount of lands we're on.
Well let's see I'm on fringeverse, docwholand (which you should join and be on my team), legendland, asoiaf_land, and hungergamesland. Two might be dropped shortly, not like it matters they're slow.
But yes, I feel like I'm inclined to join one of these...... gah.
I admit docwholand tempts me, but would it be okay that I've only seen S5/will be watchng S6 of it? I plan to watch more seasons, it just might be a while before I do. Which two are you possibly dropping?
LOL, its the subtle use of capital letters that got to you, right? XD
It would totally be okay, I'm fairly certain many people haven't seen some of the earlier seasons and I know that everyone on the team loves S5/S6 (I haven't seen S6 yet either! I think I'm waiting to hang out with someone to watch it, you know that? Since I watched all of S5 with them too) I'm just saying that if you do join (not saying you have to) but if you do you have to ask for weeping angel and be willing to wait for a spot there. cause they have a habit to put people elsewhere a lot. lol
Somebody is super good at tempting me to do things...(I have actually seen the first episode of S6, its just the second one I haven't gotten to see yet. BUT WE SHOULD TOTALLY WATCH IT TOGETHER. It only seems right, since we watched S5 that way. I think it should be a plan.) Well we would defenitely have to be on the same team, so I would totally be willing to wait.
You know what we could do, since your drawn to caps and I'm easily tempted to join things? You could join one of these and I could join docwholand and then we could be on TWO teams together. (Or will be once they let me on weepingangels). Its an idea anyways.
It's because you're like me, easily tempted by all things awesome. And I think I forgot to say which lands I was considering dropping before LOL, asoiaf_land cause it's just kinda fizzled out and I really don't care about it and fringeverse. Right now I have a bit too much on my plate but I'm passing over one land at the end of the month and those two might be cut so I'll be down again to four teams.
It's an awesome idea! Although me on Smallville would prove interesting considering I haven't seen the show in years except that one episode we watched.
Well whenever you have a free night we can marathon the two episodes?
LOL, so easily tempted. I only have to hear landcomm and my ears perk up. XD Okay, so does asoiaf stand for something or I'm just completely lost, cuz not gong to lie, no idea what that land comm would be about. And I've been trying to figure it out. Understandable, sometimes its best to narrow things down and I never know how you manage so many landcomms in the first place..
I think its an awesome idea too. LOL, you wouldn't be the only one though. There are people on the team that got sorted there because of numbers not because of their love of the show, you could still do all the challenges for other shows, I don't think there's ever been a challenge specific to the team show. But I would understand if you wanted to be on a different team.
This week is kind of crazy, but defentiely next week. And then we can marathon three eps. Or well, we'll have three to watch, idk if we can get all three in on one night. XD
It stands for A Song of Ice and Fire, based on the books and show Game of Thrones. It's kinda not good right now and it just opened. I think they're trying to do too much posting both on LJ and DW so it's not working so well. And I like Fringe I just don't see myself involved enough to do stuff about it like I am with some of the other lands.
I know it's just a name :D I shouldn't sign up but I'm quite possibly going too... IDK yet lol
Okay, just let me know. My schedule is pretty free right now so I'm good!
Ohhh that makes sense. And now I don't feel so bad about not being able to figure it out because I didn't even know Game of Thrones was based on a book series. I've heard of it at least though, LOL. That does seem hard doing it on both. I would go crazy if I was one of the mods trying to do it. Thats how I was for psychland, I LOVE psych but I had a hard time getting really into the landcomm like I did other ones.
LOL, that's how I feel about docwholand, like I shouldn't sign up for a fifth one but....its so pretty and I've been in such a DW mood lately. XD Ah landcomms, always so tempting. XD
Yeah, I'll let you know. Right now I'm down visiting my sister, so I'm not quite sure when it'll be, but it'll be soon. :D
Yeah it's kinda disappointing bad like a challenge was supposed to happen last night and never did and the mods seem to disappear for days at a time and there's three of them. It sucks cause the show is amazing and should totally be added to our watch list :D
Yeah, I'm at 5 and promised myself I wouldn't go over especially since I can barely manage the 2 i'm running even though I have someone taking over bbcland next month thank goodness. I may have to wait till then to join or not tell my friend that i have... she's the one saying DON'T JOIN cause yeah, stressful. but fun! and being on a team is easier that running/modding.
That does suck. I know mods have real lives, so you can never expect an immediate response, but when ALL of them disappear for days, that's just doesn't work. LOL, I don't know that much about the show, but maybe we can put it on our maybe list?
LOL, I don't know how you manage all of that, so I totally get not wantng to go over 5. But maybe if you do drop one of yours, then you can join cw-land. Or some other landcomm. :D LOL, your friend is the total opposite of me, trying to get you not too. She's probably less evil than I am XD I'm still considering docwholand myself. Cuz I kind of want to join but I'm trying to figure out if I can do five landcomms and not end up getting kicked out of one for not entering enough stuff. But Idk, sadly I might end up dropping spnland after this round, so that would defenitely free me up some time.
It needs to be fixed. *not so subtlely points to above entry* We need to find one where we can be awesome together, and we need to find it soon!
Well let's see I'm on fringeverse, docwholand (which you should join and be on my team), legendland, asoiaf_land, and hungergamesland. Two might be dropped shortly, not like it matters they're slow.
But yes, I feel like I'm inclined to join one of these...... gah.
I admit docwholand tempts me, but would it be okay that I've only seen S5/will be watchng S6 of it? I plan to watch more seasons, it just might be a while before I do. Which two are you possibly dropping?
LOL, its the subtle use of capital letters that got to you, right? XD
It would totally be okay, I'm fairly certain many people haven't seen some of the earlier seasons and I know that everyone on the team loves S5/S6 (I haven't seen S6 yet either! I think I'm waiting to hang out with someone to watch it, you know that? Since I watched all of S5 with them too) I'm just saying that if you do join (not saying you have to) but if you do you have to ask for weeping angel and be willing to wait for a spot there. cause they have a habit to put people elsewhere a lot. lol
A little bit, I am drawn to capital letters.
Somebody is super good at tempting me to do things...(I have actually seen the first episode of S6, its just the second one I haven't gotten to see yet. BUT WE SHOULD TOTALLY WATCH IT TOGETHER. It only seems right, since we watched S5 that way. I think it should be a plan.) Well we would defenitely have to be on the same team, so I would totally be willing to wait.
You know what we could do, since your drawn to caps and I'm easily tempted to join things? You could join one of these and I could join docwholand and then we could be on TWO teams together. (Or will be once they let me on weepingangels). Its an idea anyways.
It's because you're like me, easily tempted by all things awesome. And I think I forgot to say which lands I was considering dropping before LOL, asoiaf_land cause it's just kinda fizzled out and I really don't care about it and fringeverse. Right now I have a bit too much on my plate but I'm passing over one land at the end of the month and those two might be cut so I'll be down again to four teams.
It's an awesome idea! Although me on Smallville would prove interesting considering I haven't seen the show in years except that one episode we watched.
Well whenever you have a free night we can marathon the two episodes?
LOL, so easily tempted. I only have to hear landcomm and my ears perk up. XD Okay, so does asoiaf stand for something or I'm just completely lost, cuz not gong to lie, no idea what that land comm would be about. And I've been trying to figure it out. Understandable, sometimes its best to narrow things down and I never know how you manage so many landcomms in the first place..
I think its an awesome idea too. LOL, you wouldn't be the only one though. There are people on the team that got sorted there because of numbers not because of their love of the show, you could still do all the challenges for other shows, I don't think there's ever been a challenge specific to the team show. But I would understand if you wanted to be on a different team.
This week is kind of crazy, but defentiely next week. And then we can marathon three eps. Or well, we'll have three to watch, idk if we can get all three in on one night. XD
I know it's just a name :D I shouldn't sign up but I'm quite possibly going too... IDK yet lol
Okay, just let me know. My schedule is pretty free right now so I'm good!
LOL, that's how I feel about docwholand, like I shouldn't sign up for a fifth one but....its so pretty and I've been in such a DW mood lately. XD Ah landcomms, always so tempting. XD
Yeah, I'll let you know. Right now I'm down visiting my sister, so I'm not quite sure when it'll be, but it'll be soon. :D
Yeah, I'm at 5 and promised myself I wouldn't go over especially since I can barely manage the 2 i'm running even though I have someone taking over bbcland next month thank goodness. I may have to wait till then to join or not tell my friend that i have... she's the one saying DON'T JOIN cause yeah, stressful. but fun! and being on a team is easier that running/modding.
That does suck. I know mods have real lives, so you can never expect an immediate response, but when ALL of them disappear for days, that's just doesn't work. LOL, I don't know that much about the show, but maybe we can put it on our maybe list?
LOL, I don't know how you manage all of that, so I totally get not wantng to go over 5. But maybe if you do drop one of yours, then you can join cw-land. Or some other landcomm. :D LOL, your friend is the total opposite of me, trying to get you not too. She's probably less evil than I am XD I'm still considering docwholand myself. Cuz I kind of want to join but I'm trying to figure out if I can do five landcomms and not end up getting kicked out of one for not entering enough stuff. But Idk, sadly I might end up dropping spnland after this round, so that would defenitely free me up some time.
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