(no subject)

Apr 27, 2011 18:25

Okay, so in a horribly depressing post, we had to put my dog to sleep yesterday. We had kind of known it was coming for a couple of days because she had been sick, but knowing didn't really prepare me for it and I'm just completely heartbroken about it. Some part of me still thought she was going to get to come home from the vet. We've had her for almost twelve years and that whole "man's best friend" thing really is true. So my presence is going to be kind of sporadic for a little while on here, while I'm I guess getting used to the idea of her not being around anymore. I'll defenitely be around because honestly I need the distraction. And there's only so much cleaning I can do, but I don't know how much or how commenty I'll be.

And so this post isn't completely depressing, I've been meaning to pimp this for a while, but kept forgetting. ovariesofsteel is trying to raise money in the fight against breast cancer and to help sponsor her in her mission to complete the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for the Cure in July. She has a community writing4acause where you can offer and bid on fics or you can just donate directly to the cause. She really explains it better than I do at the comm, so you can check out there for more information.

some days just suck, pimpage

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