
Sep 14, 2010 00:33

+First I saw this on one of my friends pages and its just too true for me not to repost: 
If there is one person or more on your friends list who makes your world a better place just because they exist and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence in your journal.

+Somehow (and I really don't know how) I managed to place in the chlollie awards. I'm still kind of bouncy about it. I loved all the stories that were nominated, so to think I placed....it just baffles me but somehow I did and I'm not going to question it too much in case it will make them recount and they'll find out someone else was supposed to win. Instead I'll just show you the pretty banner they gave me.

+And I don't know who watchest Vampire Diaries on my flist, but OMG the premiere. I won't say anything spoilering, but OMG. I think its my new favorite episode.

+On a much sadder note, my computer has once again chosen to have issues. This time ones that mean I can't get it on it at all and will probably lead to me losing everything on it when it finally gets fixed. *tries not to think about it too much* Right now I'm in the process of trying to save up to get it fixed and find the cheapest place to do that, and until that happens I'll be using my mom's laptop which means less time then I'd like on the computer. I'll still be around plenty (I'm trying to work out a whole you can have it during the day and maybe I can have it at night kind of a thing) but sadly, not as much as I'd like to be. But I'll still have plenty of time to get people things and hopefully do all the iconing I need to cuz I have a lot of stuff due soon.

+And lastly, on a much happier note, ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!! LOL, I'm really happy. I love birthdays, mine and everybody elses but mine comes with presents for me so I love it a little bit more. I'm twenty today. I'd love to hear from my flist and see what you all did on your twentieth birthday. Give me some ideas. XD

jumping aroundpie!, birthdays are better than a caffeine fix, is it possible to get dean for my bday?, if not can i get ollie instead?, its my birthday!!!!, jumping around

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