I hope your apple pie is freaking worth it!

May 27, 2015 21:24

There's a thunderstorm happening, I have a headache, and I'm stressing over the deadline for my big bang.

SO MEME TIME. Stolen from my f-list.

Here are five of my favorite fandoms. Guess my favorite male character, favorite female character and favorite ship from each.

come play with me )

west wing references abound, easily made happy, amuck amuck amuck, rain rain go away, i overly relate to tv characters, my beautiful f-list, meme, veronica mars is smarter than me, smallville's own name is a lie, really when do i ever make sense?, come play with me, seriously go away rain

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Comments 9

phillydragonldy May 28 2015, 01:46:03 UTC
Fandom: Smallville
Favorite female character: Chloe
Favorite male character: Lex
Favorite ship: Chloe/Lex


lynzie914 May 28 2015, 02:49:37 UTC
Two out of three right! Yay you!

also, chloe/lex would totally be second place for this. So you were super close. They were my first SV ship and will forever be a favorite in my heart. because i can't let go of things.


starcrossed May 28 2015, 11:01:17 UTC
So I THINK your favorite BtVS character is Dawn? Possible Dawn/Spike for the ship.

For VM, Veronica herself for favorite female character, probably Veronica/Logan.

For Smallville ship, Clark/Lois? (man, I haven't watched Smallville in SO LONG.)


lynzie914 May 28 2015, 23:15:30 UTC
Defenite yes for Dawn (though btvs gives me too many to choose from really. I love them all.) Sadly no for Dawn/Spike, though I do enjoy them and they have one of my favorite friendships on the show. I wish there was more of it.

I'm preictable for this but yes to both VM answers. I can't help it.

While they're defenitely cute (especially in S4) Clark/Lois isn't my favorite. Poor Clark isn't actually in any of my favorite relationships sadly for him. (lol, its still one of my favorite fandoms despite it being over, but I haven't seen it in a while either. A rewatch should happen at some point for sure.)


starcrossed May 29 2015, 09:54:05 UTC
Though I've seen the show exactly twice, I watch the Flash so is your favorite Arrow character Oliver himself?

I'm thinking you might like Dawn/Xander based on the comics? So I will also guess Xander as favorite male character.


tenshinrtaiga May 28 2015, 23:39:17 UTC
Okay. So I am totally spit-balling. This is totally guessing based off what little I know about you and mostly based off what I'd pick since we tend to be pretty similar in these regards. I took a shot at everything except for TWW since I never saw that.

Fandom: Arrow
Favorite female character: Felicity (with Thea as your #2 favorite?)
Favorite male character: Tommy (with Oliver as #2?)
Favorite ship: Felicity/Oliver

Fandom: Smallville
Favorite ship: Chloe/Oliver

Fandom: BtVS
Favorite male character: Spike (with Giles as #2?)

Fandom: Veronica Mars
Favorite male character: Logan (with Papa Mars as #2?)

OOOH! This is so much fun. I'm curious to see if I got anything right at all. The only one I'm pretty certain about is Chlollie since I think that was how we first became friends.

Also, in regards to your tag, for the record, Veronica Mars is smarter than everyone.

Do me back! Same fandoms minus The West Wing. Do Leverage instead since that one should be easy.


lynzie914 May 29 2015, 02:10:20 UTC
I love your guesses and how similiar they really are to mine. Though not everything is right, sadly. But you got a lot right (even in second choices)

Arrow you got right Felicity/Oliver right. (And after a lot of thinking Tommy is my second place, Oliver below him even though I love him loads so you could probably not tell that that would be the ranking.)

Smallville you got a big fat yes! You were right to be certain on that one. ;D

BtVS you got my second choice right. :DD

And sadly no to Logan as well for VM, though I do love him.

Basically I love too many fictional characters.

That's my tag for the show, from the episode where she gets Lamb to say it, but its SO true. Is there a person Veronica isn't smarter than? I don't think so.

And yes! I'm excited and will defenitely be there and LEVERAGE. I was trying to think of different fandoms for this but that one slipped my mind. (though my answers would probably be obvious, lol). I will defenitely be there.


lynzie914 May 29 2015, 02:23:51 UTC
Okay...for Arrow, favorite Lady: Felicity, favorite guy: Oliver, favorite ship: the both of them kissing. :D

Smallville...favorite lady Chloe (I'm confidant on this one), favorite guy, Ollie (less confident but hoping), and ship the two of them together, again kissing. lol.

BtVs....this one is much harder. favorite lady...Buffy? favorite guy, Spike? Favorite Couple...I keep ending up with the same people in the pairng departments, so lets just go out there and say Anya/Xander.

VM; Veronica of course, and Veronica/Logan, I'm not sure about the guy...

Leverage; I'm thinking Parker for your favorite gal and Eliot for the guy....an then I'm back to coupling up the possible favorites and saying Parker/Eliot. (Though this may be my own bias becuse these are my answers for Leverage, lol.)


tenshinrtaiga May 30 2015, 00:05:05 UTC
Favorite female character:
Favorite male character: Oliver
Favorite ship:
Incorrect guesses so far: Felicity, Felicity/Oliver (I like them together, but strangely, they don't even make my top 5. O_o)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Favorite female character:
Favorite male character: Spike (Giles and Angel are tied for #2 - Angel from S1-3, at least. I grow to dislike him in later seasons/AtS. I also dislike Giles in S7.)
Favorite ship:
Incorrect guesses so far: Buffy, Xander/Anya (I was actually a Xander/Cordelia fan).

Veronica Mars
Favorite female character: Veronica (Mac as #2)
Favorite male character:
Favorite ship: Veronica/Logan

Favorite female character: Chloe
Favorite male character: Oliver
Favorite ship: Chloe/Oliver
YOU GOT THEM ALL RIGHT!!! Although, I would have accepted Lex too since he and Ollie are pretty much tied as #1 for my favorite. Chlex is also my #2 fave ship.

LeverageFavorite female character: Parker ( ... )


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