+ I'm still trying to get caught up on comments. Obviously, I fail at this. But you know...I'm honest about it?
+My NPT story came out and the authors have been revealed so I feel safe reccing it:
Leave A Lighthouse in the Wild (Cause I'm Coming In) by geckoholic. Its a Haven fic focusing on Audrey and her past lives before she arrives in Haven. Its ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL AND EVERYONE SHOULD GO READ IT. Even if you haven't seen Haven, it might make you want to watch it like everyone should.
+Also you should go read
fluffyfrolicker's Jeff/Annie Noir fic, because it's fabulous. And should be read by all.
+I'm still trying to figure out what I want to prompt for the low key summer exhange. Basically I want all the fic. And all the character studies. But I need to narrow it down/come up with fandoms that other people will want/be willing to write. I'm super excited for it. But also, I'm over thinking it. This is my way.
+Also, how come inspiration always strikes for the things you're not planning on working on and then you get distracted and all your plans go out the window. Muses are fickle things.
+Also, look Sunny. I made it into a tag. :D