Clark would have to be on drugs, to be on drugs.

Jun 04, 2014 15:16

Dentist update:

I went and did not end up running from the room. (Though I warned them ahead of time, just in case, all "It's not you, it's me. Only you know, its really me.") The dentist was surprisingly nice (I say this because I've had bad experinece and well, dentists scare me) and the nurses were nice.

Unfortunately, he was worried about my anxiety, so he didn't want to fill/fix the tooth that day, so I have to go back tomorrow. (He did however sand it down and it no longer feels like jagged glass cutting into my tongue, so YAY! Though I kind of wish there was more of an instantionous everything's instantly better miracle. But you know, take what you can get, be happy. And I am. I can actually swallow things now without it feeling like I'm trying to kill my tongue.

Thank you to Sunny and fluffyfrolicker for the well wishes, I will have responses for you. I've spent most of the day drained and with a major migrane. But I love you and offer you massive long distance hugs and appriciate them and all the good thoughts.

If anyone's up to it, I'll be back to the dentist early tomorrow morning, so well wishes about my anxiety would be appriciated again. Love you all, especially if you made it this far down in the post.

i'll be happy when its over, off to take a nap, i hate anybody in a white labcoat, issues i have them, my beautiful f-list, randomness

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