me + my roomie = AWESOME

Nov 13, 2005 20:28

lynzfabulous7: efffffffffffffffffffffff
ohh pure heart: blahhhhhhhh
ohh pure heart: i hate emma
ohh pure heart: die die die
ohh pure heart: listen to this song
lynzfabulous7: i think our internet is about to die
lynzfabulous7: that was not a good noise
ohh pure heart: ugh
lynzfabulous7: but im listening
ohh pure heart: kgood
lynzfabulous7: k who is it?
ohh pure heart: martina mcbride
ohh pure heart: dont tell my scene friends
lynzfabulous7: awww i love martina mcbride
ohh pure heart: shes cute

lynzfabulous7: i won't
lynzfabulous7: have you heard broken wing?
ohh pure heart: yep
lynzfabulous7: i love that one too
lynzfabulous7: we can listen to that next
ohh pure heart: i just bought it lol
lynzfabulous7: hahaha
lynzfabulous7: buy smooth by santana and rob thomas
lynzfabulous7: do it
ohh pure heart: NOOOO
lynzfabulous7: oh yeah ive heard this song before
lynzfabulous7: PLEASE
ohh pure heart: dont want to
ohh pure heart: it will be stuck in my head
lynzfabulous7: PUH-LEASE
ohh pure heart: for day
ohh pure heart: s
ohh pure heart: ask zach he probably has it
lynzfabulous7: NO
lynzfabulous7: YOU ASK HIM
ohh pure heart: k
ohh pure heart: dont knwo
ohh pure heart: know
lynzfabulous7: k i fixed it
lynzfabulous7: did you ask him?
ohh pure heart: yep
ohh pure heart: he has it
lynzfabulous7: ok get it from him
ohh pure heart: ugh
ohh pure heart: fine
lynzfabulous7: yayay!!!
lynzfabulous7: yayayayayayayaya
lynzfabulous7: efff my english paper in the a
lynzfabulous7: please
ohh pure heart: EW GROSS
lynzfabulous7: hahah
ohh pure heart: i dont eff anything in the a
ohh pure heart: unless i really REALLY want to
ohh pure heart: even then its kinda tough
ohh pure heart: haha i LOOOOOOOOVE cryptic lj entries
ohh pure heart: like my one last week
ohh pure heart: 'its tuesday...what the fuck'
lynzfabulous7: haha yeah like that one
lynzfabulous7: i love those too
ohh pure heart: that was so cryptic even i dont know what it means
lynzfabulous7: you are amazing
lynzfabulous7: just for your fyi
ohh pure heart: thanksies
ohh pure heart: want a shrek snack
lynzfabulous7: of course
lynzfabulous7: 5 second rule
ohh pure heart: i dont believe in that rule
ohh pure heart: food is food
ohh pure heart: OINK OINK OINK
lynzfabulous7: haha
lynzfabulous7: who are the red ones supposed to be?
ohh pure heart: the wolf
lynzfabulous7: oh yeah ok i remember now
lynzfabulous7: yummy
lynzfabulous7: thats kind of ironic that you can eat the wolf when the wolf is the one that eats people
lynzfabulous7: hahahahaha
ohh pure heart: youre a FREAK
lynzfabulous7: no only freak is a freak
lynzfabulous7: im much better than her
ohh pure heart: true that
ohh pure heart: again
lynzfabulous7: now i have shrek stuck in my teeth
lynzfabulous7: ok
lynzfabulous7: go
lynzfabulous7: i don't want to write my paper
lynzfabulous7: and my english teacher should be shot
lynzfabulous7: the end
ohh pure heart: man youre gonna feel so bad when she really gets shot
lynzfabulous7: no i won't
lynzfabulous7: she deserves it
lynzfabulous7: ok so i might feel a little bad
lynzfabulous7: but still...
ohh pure heart: whatever
ohh pure heart: i dont have feelings
ohh pure heart: feelings are overrated
lynzfabulous7: exactly
ohh pure heart:
lynzfabulous7: which one am i supposed to be looking at?
ohh pure heart: log in
lynzfabulous7: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
lynzfabulous7: i just commented
ohh pure heart: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
lynzfabulous7: im going to put this whole conversation on my lj
ohh pure heart: NO OMG
lynzfabulous7: why not?
ohh pure heart: oh ok
ohh pure heart: lol
lynzfabulous7: itll just prove how awesome we are
lynzfabulous7: even more proof
ohh pure heart: hahahah
lynzfabulous7: with a broken wing she carries her dreams
lynzfabulous7: man you oughta see her fly
lynzfabulous7: with the curtains blowin in the breeze...................
lynzfabulous7: pretend im martina mcbride
lynzfabulous7: go
ohh pure heart: ooooooooooooooookkkk!
ohh pure heart: whaaaaaaaateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
lynzfabulous7: now listen to me hold this note for a really long time
ohh pure heart: hahaha
lynzfabulous7: ready listen
lynzfabulous7: go
lynzfabulous7: fllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly
lynzfabulous7: yay
lynzfabulous7: wow that was tough
ohh pure heart: that was awesome
lynzfabulous7: you=awesome
lynzfabulous7: i want another shrek
lynzfabulous7: throw one at me
lynzfabulous7: go
lynzfabulous7: yay i caught it this time
ohh pure heart: yay!
lynzfabulous7: got stains on my t-shirt
lynzfabulous7: and im the biggest flirt
lynzfabulous7: and sometimes i get DARK
lynzfabulous7: baby just ask meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
ohh pure heart: lol
lynzfabulous7: ok i need to work so that we can watch amores perros
ohh pure heart: yeah me too
lynzfabulous7: hey turn that back up
lynzfabulous7: NOW
lynzfabulous7: thanks
ohh pure heart: youre welcome
lynzfabulous7: yay my elbow just popped
lynzfabulous7: no change it to lala
lynzfabulous7: or shadow
lynzfabulous7: i don't like this one
lynzfabulous7: thanks
ohh pure heart: yep
lynzfabulous7: eff i can't write my paper
lynzfabulous7: i have to go to the library to get a book and periodical source
lynzfabulous7: and im not going there now
ohh pure heart: dang
lynzfabulous7: i know
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