Apr 11, 2005 16:15
I am amuzed by the little things in life...
So I am walking to class, and I see this squirel in the road, he looked flat with his tail curled up. Cars were swirving to miss hitting it.. As I approach it, he picks his little head up, looks to see if an cars are coming.. and gets up and runs to the other side of the road, looks both ways and lays back down... More cars come and swirve to miss him..What the hell was that?!? Is this a sick little guy trying to commit suicide? Was he having fun playing with traffic? Weird....
My heart goes out to a complete stranger...
So I am sitting in some comfy chairs on the second floor of Dow reading up on the research I had to present to my professor when I overhear and conversation from a guy pacing the floor infront of me.. this is his conversation: "Hello Dr. So'n-so...Do you have the results back yet? So you're saying that you are diagnosing me with Multiple sclorosis... But what about the spine tap I had done this morning? So, it's for sure then, it's MS?.. are their any options? ... ok, thank you Dr. So'n-so" God, by heart broke for that guy, I just wanted to jump up and go give him the biggest hug ever.. but I refrained myself.. I felt soo bad. My mom's friend has MS and her quality of life has depleted by at least 10 fold since she was diagnosed, and there is not much that can be done.. it's so sad, but this guy is young, he shouldn't be dealing with this.. he should be out going to Formal and being in Mock Rock... it's so sad. I think my life is bad, but I know, it's no where near bad. I am thankful for my health..