Dec 12, 2003 23:26
I got home at 6:30 tonight and since then my parents, both of them, have obviously had nothing else on their mind except marrying me off. They have mentioned getting me a boyfriend, me looking for a boyfriend, who should be my next boyfriend, and many other equally degrading boyfriend quips (including my mom saying that i should like "how to lose a guy in ten days" but "NOT LIKE THAT! you're good at keeping a guy once you have one") YIKES! Evidentally it's more important to them that their daughter is happy with a guy than if she's happy at all. I do think part of this is the mother's been 4 years since my sister got married, and she really wants another wedding (my sister's 4 years older than me, no she didn't get married at 16, but it was young). To be perfectly honest, i don't see myself getting married...ever. And how do you tell your mother that, the woman who's been waiting almost 20 years for MY wedding because she knew my sister wouldn't want a nice BIG HUGE FREAKING SCARY wedding and that I'd let her help plan. least she thinks i'd let her help plan. Ok, if i was ever going to get married, she could help with it a little...but seriously people! I DON'T want a boyfriend right now!!!! Somebody tell them to quit trying to hook me up with the video store guy and my best friend (YES that's you Chris) Oh my GOD, wait, even my SISTER was doing it! She called to say happy birthday and I said i wanted to go down to tech to visit Chris and she was like "where would you stay?" and i said, "with Chris" cause i would, and she was all "OOOhhhh" and started talking about how you always end up with your best friend. I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANY MORE!!!! Somebody send me a big blow up doll that i can pretend to date for awhile to get them to shut up!
so yeah, it was my birthday today...duh. I came home, mom and I made dinner and she had a cake made. Then they did presents. Mom bought me an address book and put all the addresses of immediate extended family in it for me and everyone's birthdays. that was great. Mom also got me a jump drive USB portable storage thing (basically easier than burning to a cd, more room and more efficiant) Evan (brother) got me a No Doubt cd. Also got a calander that'll make Leah happy (it's got fairies on it instead of my usual Bible quotes and photographs. I rely on what my mom gets me, and I guess she didn't have a kid in her class selling the calanders for their church group this year) and a gift card to go buy clothes for Haiti. The best thing though? Daddy bought me a really AWESOME's zoom! I'm so excited, i can't wait to try it out! It's even better than his! I think we're going "shooting" on sunday, if i can get him to. cause it'll hopefully be all snowy and beautiful and i want to take some pictures of the farm in winter so i can start a "seasons collection" to give to my parents for Christmas at the new house next year. it'll be great.
oh, btw, Haiti crisis. My mom lost my passport. I'm sure it's around the house somewhere, but we have to look for it tomorrow cause if we can't find it, i can't go. not so good.
alright. enough.
since i'm home i won't be online much. cell phone is 434-996-0951 if anyone wants/needs me. I'll be around:)