Jan 24, 2011 15:12
Warning to those of you who don't care: This is me venting. Piss off if you don't like it.
This has not been my day. I meant to get up at 9. I didn't have the energy to get up till closer to 11. There's something going on with our hot water heater, meaning I just barely have enough hot water time to wash and condition my hair, which I would really like to cut about two inches off but don't have the money to. So yeah, actually washing the rest of me is done retardedly fast in icy water. Did I mention the water heater is kept in the attic and the tempurature outside this morning was around 40? So yeah, icy water.
Then I have a decent breakfast of a fried egg and tea.
I have some sewing to do to get ready for Nero this weekend. I can't find the scissors and I can't find the little seam ripper hooky thingy. So have to use some fucking kitchen shears which are really really failing at cutting cloth. I mean, these things are supposed to cut through meat and they can't cut cloth. WTF? Ok, whatever. I put on some music for background noise. And every single fucking song on my computer starts skipping toward the last few moments. EVERY SINGLE ONE. The songs from CDs, the songs I've been given digitally by friends, and the songs I downloaded. EVERYTHING. So so SO fucking annoying.
And I'm sewing. The pieces don't want to line up. I mean, when I've got them laid out, they line up just fine, but start actually sewing? Oh hell no. and two hours in, my blood sugar drops. It's been doing this all weekend. I've only been able to go about two to three hours or so between eating before my blood sugar drops and I have no idea what's going on. So I make myslef a grilled cheese and some tomato soup. Except that the grilled cheese literally falls apart. It stuck to the pan so the bread squished up and then it didn't flip right and cheese went absolutely everywhere.
Fuck me.
So I'm just gonna go back to bed and pretend this day didn't happen.