Mar 18, 2007 04:34
I don't know if anyone here knows but I love barefooting (going sans shoes). I just love the feel of it. I was wondering if anyone else does the same thing...and I mean like outside and shit, not just in your houses. The only problem I have is that people give me weird looks (haven't tried going in a store or anything - it actually isn't illegal to go in stores sans shoes). I posted to my barefoot community asking if anyone knows of some kind of soleless sandal that wouldn't look totally gay on a dude (the only things I've seen have been girly bead things - I just want like a strap or something that would look enough like I had something on for people to pay my feet no heed -//- I'd totally go barefoot way more often if I could stop the looks). Basically, I'm looking to pay money for a strap or something that will give the illusion of the top of a sandal (ain't I smart ^_^ ?). So, anyone else practice the risque taboo that is barefooting?