I am in so much pain right now, its not even funny! I have had a runny nose for the last couple of days, no big deal. I was just woken up at 5:07 am with a raging ear infection. My right ear hurts so bloody bad that I can't sleep and I can hardly see the computer screen cause I'm crying from the pain
I had chronic ear infections as a little girl and the doctor said I would out grow them, this is the 2 or 3 one I have had in 3 years. I had a big span of not having them and trust me I was happy not having them.
The only bad thing is I have to wait till 9am to go see a doctor about it. which isn't good cause I can get much worse in just a couple of minutes if i'm not lucky. If I start running a fever I will be in the bathroom
I also run the risk of having my eardrum burst which will kill my balance and land me in bed or on the couch for a week doing nothing cause I will get so dizzy that I won't see straight I will also be running a fever and
if that happens as well.
I can't go to the ER cause I can't afford the bill of going there. I can't sleep cause my ear hurts to bad.
I don't know what to do.