update on Grandma

Dec 02, 2007 18:00

So I thought I woud update you on my grandma, She had her surgery the day before Thanksgiving, she got her hip pinned and is doing ok from what my mom has told me. Well enough to kick my Uncle Joe (her son) out of her room because he wouldn't take her home.
Sooo she is in rehab, don't know how long she will be in there, I guess as long as it takes.

I might still disapear for about a week, after she gets out of rehab and gets back to the farm. I am the only one in the family that doesn't have a job and has time to take care of her. My mom volunteered me to do this with out talking to me about it first. I don' mind really, I love my grandma but if I spend to much with her I want to pull my hair out cause she drives me nuts
and I really can't get away from her cause she lives on a 200 acre farm. But I will do it cause I know she needs the help. Of course this is all if no one else can do it.

I would be cooking for her, going down to the basement to get things for her, taking care of her dogs and well keeping her company. If I need a break I can go take one of her dogs for a walk, and I will also bring books to read, some cross stitching and maybe some knitting, I dunno
I'll have nothing to do!!!!

ok I'm done I will let you all know more when I know more

Not to mention I am on my monthly visit and its worse than any other I have had this year
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