Nov 13, 2007 21:43
So here I am on Lj again lol sorry I haven't been around been busy and well lazy. It finally snowed here so I am a happy girl. I can't believe that I have had LJ as long as I have. Oh well, thats kinda cool.
I am moving again, yup you read right again. We will be moving back to where we were when we decided to move back into anchorage when we first got married. I am looking forward to it Hopefully the landlord will hold the apartment for us till january when we can move in. I think she will if we put a security deposit down on it and since we rented there before that should help us hopefully.
In other news my friend Mandy and her husband are over and spending the night tonight. We are having fun and I am glad that we found one another again. We have know eachother since we were little. But like most friendships we stopped talking because she moved away from anchorage and we went to different schools but we picked up our friendship right where we left if so that was pretty cool.
Richard is now getting more hours at work so that is nice. He also got a pay raise YAY! more money for us. He likes having more hours and this means we won't be so dependant on my mom anymore.
thats all for now more later when I think of something