Jan 29, 2008 23:45
I'm having a very hard time right now. I got my test results (CBC, Chem Panel, TSH) back in the mail...everything was within normal range. *sigh* Now I have to call in the morning and schedule another appointment. I just feel like bawling. I called my mother in law, then my sister in law (she has Fibro). Dave was awesome enough to let us order pizza because I was just too tired to make dinner.
I called my parents a little later...it only made me feel worse. My dad said, "Well, no news is good news" when I told him everything came back "normal." Okay...actually, I'm feeling quite the opposite of that seeing as now I need to be tested for freaking Lupus and other terrible, lifelong autoimmune diseases. I don't get why my parents are so detached from it...it's like they are in denial or something. Well, it's either denial or they think I'm faking. Yeah, like I want to fake being in pain and fatigued EVERY day.
Our apartment is freezing because of the evil cold front. I have the heat cranked as high as it will go and it still isn't even 65 in here. BrrrrRRRrrrr. I can't sleep in our bed because it is right in front of a window - it's like an arctic blast. lol.