Hey, all! Well, guess I should be getting caught up on all that's gone on the past, oh...three weeks or so? Geez. x_x
I have a personal tumblr now! If you want to follow me, it's right
here. Expect most of the same stuff I post to my dA, but now in convenient tumblr form.
Went to AM2 Convention in Anaheim last weekend, where I tabled with Rasenth and had
kiaxet As my awesome helper! All in all, sales were...pretty meh. :| A lot of people stopped to look at things, but not nearly enough buyers. It may have been because it was a free con, and most of the people showing up there were either broke or saving their money for Anime Expo in a few weeks. The Artist's Alley there was huge...bigger even than the Exhibit Hall, I think. There was also a live band there a lot of the time, and that was frankly really dang annoying. The acoustic guitar or singer people were fine, but anyone there using the amps/drums was so dang loud that you couldn't even hear a customer across the table. As a result of the con, I have a bunch of leftover Dissidia pony buttons available for sale, plus some custom-painted ponies! More on that below.
On the plus sides, I did do a couple of commissions and actually sell five copies of Lunargyros, which was more than I was expecting to! Also, just hanging out with Razzy and Kia was a lot of fun, since we spent most of the time totally geeking out over Kingdom Hearts. Our table was KH-central. Sooo looking forward to more geekery in the future!
Last night I went and saw Brave at the El Capitan with Kia, and it was a lot of fun! It was a good movie most definitely, with some beautiful scenery, and proof positive that Pixar has at last figured out hair. However, there was something really...different about it from the usual Pixar fare. It felt more like a Disney movie than a Pixar movie, just in terms of the animation style, the pacing, and the action. The art was beautiful, but the story was...hmm, not exactly what I was expecting, either. Maybe I was expecting a little more of the heavy mysticism, like in The Secret of Kells. This movie is primarily a mother and daughter story. It's kind of hard to put my finger on it. It was good, but I don't think it was one of Pixar's best.
The KH3D demo was released on Thursday, and OMG I NEED THIS GAME NOWWWWWWW. There wasn't nearly enough demo for my tastes! That game was seriously just a lot of fun in terms of gameplay, and Sora was squishy and adorable even for the one scene he had, and NNNNGH. IT NEEDS TO BE THE END OF JULY NOW SO I CAN PLAY THIS THINNNGGGG.
In general, work's been kinda slow. The freelance project I'm on is sort of on hold, at least for my portion of it, but I'm hoping it'll pick up more in the near future. I'm going to have a lot of extra time in July it looks like, so I'd like to be spending that time on some money-making ventures...especially since I guess Comic Con isn't happening. :P Oh well, time to maybe do more for my birthday, then.
And as a final thing...I have both extra painted ponies, and extra buttons for sale! Please check them on out! :D
Here are button versions of all the Final Fantasy Dissidia ponies!
- $2.00 each!
- Three for $5.00!
- If you want a full set of Cosmos, Chaos, 012 or all, that can be negotiated!
- No extra cost for shipping!
And here are all the custom-painted fandom ponies! These include Kingdom Hearts 2, Birth by Sleep, various Final Fantasy, and The Hunger Games.
- $25.00 each! This INCLUDES the cost of shipping.
- Three for $60.00! Again, cost of shipping is included.
- Prices are as such since each pony is hand-painted, and only one or two of each exist as is. You're getting a unique pony!
- As it stands right now, here are the ponies available:
-- Sora - 1
-- Riku - 2
-- Kairi - 2
-- Terra - 1
-- Aqua - Sold Out
-- Ventus - 1
-- Katniss - 1
-- Peeta - 1
-- Gale - 1
-- Cecil - 1
-- Tifa - 2
-- Cloud - 2
-- Sephiroth - 1
-- Squall - 1
-- Yuna - 1
-- Lightning - 1
- If you would like to commission a pony, feel free to comment to me about it! I can do any character desired.
Aaand since it's been...oh, almost a MONTH or so since last update, beware the massive picture dump:
First and foremost, got a (super late) birthday gift here for the epic
This is just a pic of her original character, Yvette! She was fun to do. XD
And now some more All Hearts:
Still getting through a whole bunch of characters from Agrabah!
And finally, a crapton of waking-up drawings:
Writing: Current and future iJAG things, plus other tags