The most recent rant at KHFFR has made me think of maybe babbling about how KH fandom has changed for me over the I'm still in it, and still enjoying it, but have just changed on how I interact with it and my general thoughts on it. This is definitely the longest fandom I've been other longest one being X-Files, which may also be fun to babble about in comparison to the KH fandom. Dunno if anyone care about my babble, though. |Da
In any case, fandom musings seem way preferable to thinking too much about real life, which is just depressing me lately. I need to really take a long vacation from politics and maybe just news in general. 8( At least work is going okay, despite sudden really annoying parking problems.
Anyways! It's time to share some LP and art with you!
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Chip and Dale were actually the first characters I drew!
These'll probably be the last couple All Hearts drawings for awhile...I've gotten assigned a bunch of commission work that'll take me at least a month to get through, if not more. So I'll poke at these from time to time, but paid work comes first!
Aaaand that's 200 waking-up drawings! :D Can't believe I've done that many...
Drawing: A gift art, and need to start planning out storyboards
Writing: iJAG stuff is going good!