Sad things first: found out that I didn't get into the Disney TD program. Since this was my last opportunity to do the TD program, I'm just kind of...blugh on what to do next for even trying for a job there. And down on my art again.
On to better things: I saw The Lion King in 3D at the El Capitan on Saturday, and it was sooooo good! I love that movie so much, and it was great seeing it in theaters again.
itsjustagamerp has been going really well! We just started the Legends of the Hidden Temple event, and everyone's been so awesome in it so far!
And now, more LP and drawings:
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A few more All Hearts drawings...
While Simba is out of order from what I've drawn, I wanted to paint him after seeing TLK this weekend.
And a bunch more waking-up drawings...
Drawing: All Hearts and other things
Writing: Tags and plannings