Another reminder:
It's Just A Game opens a week from now, so get your apps in! Aaaaaa I am excited! *runs around*
Aaaand on the job front...I now have a job, at least for a month or two, starting up on Monday! I'll be at the same place that Famira is currently at, and all in all it looks like it'll be interesting! Not an art job, but still in the industry. The only part that is making me nervous is that it runs from 8PM to 6AM every night...and I'm not really a night owl. |D So I'm going to have to completely readjust my sleep schedule in order to be able to do this. Hopefully I can be successful. It is really good to have work tho, at least for a little while!
Now on to the usual update things... There's a new episode of Kia and I's LP up!
Click to view
And for more Kingdom Hearts stuff, I've completed 2 out of 236 of the characters for all Hearts:
Gotten done 2 out of 236 total characters! I am starting out with Timeless River characters since it'll be easier to start with grayscale-only and then move into color. XD
Here are the latest waking-up drawings:
Drawing: All hearts, more fanart stuff, practice
Writing: Tags