There's a new Lunargyros page up today; read it
I'm really interested by the poll results from yesterday...there was a lot more yes than I was expecting! This now makes me wonder if this is mainly a thing among fandom-oriented (or creatively-oriented) people, or if it's true with the human population in general. Because if it's the latter, that says some interesting things about how our brains function and how important fiction and stories really are to us...not just to help us understand the world, but also for our own personal health. If so many of us need some form of fiction in order to get to sleep, and sleep is such a vital part of human health and productivity, then this could mean that we need fiction to maintain everyday health. I suppose I'd need more data, but yeah, it's interesting to think about. :Oa
Also, I have a (slightly late) birthday present for
betwixt_worlds! This was something I intended to draw for her awhile ago and kinda failed to, so hopefully it's okay now. XD HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN
ALSO also, I need help from the flist. I'd been mulling over getting Corel Painter for awhile, but had never really gotten around to it. Except now I downloaded a copy (actually a trial version unless I can get this dang serial number to work) and tried it out some. And. Holy crap, how have I lived this long without Painter. The brush and blending options and everything are SOOO SHINY AND I NEED IT AAAAH. It feels like REAL PAINT and that's totally the feel I've been trying to get with Photoshop but never really achieving. SO. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of Painter for mac OSX 10.5 that will work properly, whether with a proper crack/serial number or otherwise? I will love you forever and/or probably draw you something, no lie. *___*
Kingdom Hearts 30 Day Meme
Day 22 - Favorite Pairing
NOT A SHOCKER to anyone that knows me even a bit, but my fav pairing is Sora/Kairi. XD They are full of sweetness and cuteness and plotty goodness, and I admit I tend to ship canon and closest to it when I'm in a fandom the strongest. Although I'd say I ship the Sora/Riku/Kairi OT3 on an equal level...they're the ones that really turned me on to the idea of OT3s. And when you actually see the three of them all together, you can totally feel that they belong that way.
Kingdom Hearts 30 Day Meme
Favorite Character 2.
Least Favorite Character 3.
Favorite Keyblade Design4.
Favorite Song from the games5.
Favorite Mini Game6.
Favorite Magic Spell7.
Favorite Summon/D-Link8.
Favorite World9.
Favorite Team-Up10.
Happiest Scene11.
Saddest Scene12.
Favorite Final Fantasy Cameo13.
Favorite Nobody14.
Favorite Heartless15.
Favorite Unversed16.
Favorite World Form Change17.
Favorite Drive and/or Command Style18.
Most Frustrating Mini Game19.
Least Favorite Boss Battle20.
Favorite Boss Battle21.
Favorite Opening Animation22. Favorite Pairing
23. Prefered Incarnation of Xehanort
24. Prefered Incarnation of Sora
25. Favorite Birth By Sleep Armor
26. Favorite Princess of Heart
27. Preferred Fighting Style (attack/sword, defense/shield, magic/wand)
28. Final Fantasy character you'd most like to see
29. World/Disney Character you would most like to see
30. Biggest Wish for KH3
Drawing: 10HAD, some edits, LG, commissions and giftarts
Writing: Started moar fic