Okay, whoever ate in the school lounge last is going to get a punch in the face courtesy of my fist. There were food bits and napkins and trash left all over the tables, and something like a mountain of crumbs left ON THE COUCH. Meanwhile, the ants have a party! Seriously people, I know we're all fish-skin-pale computer geeks with a fraction of social skills, but how hard is it to clean up after yourselves?! You know, get the trash, PUT IT IN THE TRASH CAN, and then maybe wipe up any crumbs or food you might've accidentally dropped? It's NOT. HARD. And it makes the place where people go to watch TV or play video games not look and smell like A TRASH DUMP. No matter what kind of person you are, there's really no excuse to not have minimum hygiene skills and, I dunno, common sense.
The more I hear about Palin, the more I have to wonder what in the hell McCain was thinking. And the more I think about it, the more I suspect he chose her for a running mate for really shallow reasons. Screw that. I was already planning on voting for Obama for reasons related to the war, but now I'm even more convinced to vote for him just because I don't want to take the chance that Palin might be running the country. Sorry, McCain, but your health is not the best. :/
And no, it's not because of anything involving her daughter. The woman's personal life is none of my business, frankly.
...Ugh, there's probably a good reason I never post about politics. Sorry about that. -_- Here, have yourselves a
new Lunargyros page, and hopefully there'll be art-related thingies tomorrow. Gonna go ZBrush now...
Drawing: Tried to draw yesterday but didn't get so much. Just a bit, though.
Writing: RPness.