Oh yeah, it's V-Day today, huh? I suppose I should do something for it. Here, have a new Lunargyros page that has
lots to do with Valentines! Or Halloween, I can't remember. Also, there'll be a new page tomorrow, so look for that.
OKAY, okay, I will totally be serious this time. VERY serious. If you are indeed one of the many who will be doing something special with your sweetheart, it's important to know What To Do On A Date:
Click to view
And now that you know what to do on a date, it's time for that big question: Are You Ready For Marriage? :O
Click to view
Click to view
Meanwhile, I will enjoy those little chalk hearts. Omnomnom.
Drawing: Gotta figure out what I'm going to work on today...
Writing: At a sad part in LG scripts